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Black dots on the face and nose - how to remove with diet and what cosmetics to exclude

Tried dozens of different remedies and folk recipes, but black dots have not become smaller? First, it is quite possible that you do not have black dots, but sebaceous threads. Then you need a different algorithm of action. Secondly, it is important to work with the root cause of the occurrence, so that the dots and threads do not appear again. A comprehensive approach and expert advice will help.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

One of the key points in this matter is the composition of sebum. It is initially individual for everyone, and the consistency depends, among other things, on what you eat.

Improper care aggravates the situation. The fat begins to expand the walls of the sebaceous gland and oxidizes. A black spot is not pollution. It's oxidized sebum that has darkened as it interacts with oxygen.

Black dots and sebaceous threads: what are the fundamental differences?

Sebaceous filaments are the norm for almost all skin types, especially in the nose area. When squeezed out, they are translucent or yellowish. They can be made invisible with care.

Read also: Sebaceous threads: how to get rid of them at home conditions

Black dots are formed as a result of blockage of the duct of the sebaceous glands. The head is black, when squeezed out yellowish and dense, like wax, consistency. If you do not reduce the amount of content in them, inflammation can form.

What factors influence the appearance of black dots?

  1. Increased sebum activity (both the genetic size of the sebaceous gland and its receptor are affected).
  2. The composition of sebum. The thicker it is, the more difficult it is to get out of the duct.
  3. Care products, which often worsen the situation because they are not chosen or used correctly.

Nutrition is not the root cause of all skin problems, but there are foods that make them much worse, including black dots:

  • refined foods and sugar
  • fast carbohydrates
  • trans fats,
  • foods with a high glycemic index,
  • caffeine and alcohol

The average person consumes huge amounts of these products. For example, trans fats. They are found in most industrially produced foods and negatively affect fat metabolism.

The foundation of sebum is the fats that come into the body with food. If they are not healthy fats, but trans fats, the sebum becomes thicker (like butter in the refrigerator) and it is much more difficult for it to leave the sebaceous gland duct.

The foundation of sebum is the fats that come into the body with food. If they are not healthy fats, but trans fats, the sebum becomes thicker (like butter in the refrigerator) and it is much more difficult for it to leave the sebaceous gland duct.

Normally, sebum should be of a more fluid consistency so that it can easily escape and form a protective film on the surface of the skin.

If you reduce groups of these foods in your diet, you can reduce the appearance of black spots.

Care: what to exclude and what to add

Additionally affect the appearance of black dots can:

  • regular application of foundation with a sponge
  • alcohol at the beginning of the product formulation (at the end is acceptable and safe)
  • hot-water wash
  • non-mineral-based decorative cosmetics
  • dirty phone screen

Collagen, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing and nourishing components in washing products, as well as products in the form of foam worsen the situation with a probability of 99.9%. Additionally, moisturizing and comedogenic components in creams can "thicken" sebum.

What is a must-have in nursing?

The steps of demake-up, cleansing and properly selected exfoliation with the right actives - remove the content in the ducts of sebaceous glands and do not allow it to reappear.

Serums and creams can reduce sebum production by affecting receptor activity.

Read also: 5 totally innocent things that are actually killing your skin every day

Carboxytherapy can be added as an additional treatment. It is good for brightening the spots and reducing the amount of sebum. It is suitable for everyone, even if there is inflammation and post-acne.

Why it is important to include nutritional adjustments to your dermatologist or cosmetologist's treatment

The skin is the largest excretory organ, so its condition, composition and consistency of sebum are directly dependent on nutrition.

Despite treatment and supportive care, poor nutrition will inhibit the process and re-induce skin problems.

Rigid diets with a meager diet do not improve skin condition, because they do not affect the mechanism of the problem. For example, they do not correct the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which means that vitamins and minerals are not absorbed.

Microbes living on the skin of the body produce enzymes that normalize the consistency of sebum. If the microbiome (balance of microorganisms) in the gastrointestinal tract deteriorates, the microbiome on the skin is also affected. Problems begin to occur, including black spots and increased sensitivity.

What products will help in the fight against black spots

You can start by gradually replacing trans fats in your diet with healthy fats. This is one of the many points in the diet, but nevertheless very important. The sebum will no longer be so viscous, because the sebaceous gland will take another type of fat as a building material. Their molecules are smaller and they will be better able to exit the duct.

Accordingly, in order to avoid clogging of the sebaceous gland ducts, it is necessary to consume healthy fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. These are nuts and seeds, avocado, caviar, fatty fish and others.

With dietary adjustments, the problem usually resolves itself, so minimal care products are required.

General recommendations for adjusting the diet and nutrition system

You don't have to start abruptly on Monday and completely eliminate sugar, trans fats, fast carbs and other foods we talked about above. The more global restrictions, the easier it is to fall off and the more difficult it is to switch to a balanced diet.

Gradually "layer" new food habits on top of old ones, without overdoing it. For example, replace favorite, but not the most beneficial for the skin foods:

Boiled sausage in salads on canned tuna with a good composition. It is tasty, diversifies the usual diet and benefits the skin, hair and the whole body in the form of Omega 3-6, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, B vitamins and elastin.

Sweets and snacks - on natural chips made from strawberries, apples, coconut, and so on.

Refined oil for dressing dishes - on raw oils.

A chocolate bar during stress, PMS or before heavy intellectual work for a glass of mineral water with magnesium.

Flavor enhancer seasonings - for spices and herbs. It is fast, cheap and makes the flavor of the dish more vivid and interesting. And also they can be selected by action, which will be aimed at solving some problem.

Observe how you feel. Then the choice will be meaningful and the intake of food into your body will be more conscious. Every day you make choice after choice: cereal with milk or millet porridge on water, cola or mineral water, burger or salad. The way your skin looks is purely the result of the sum of those choices.


All the described actions in combination will make black spots and pores less pronounced, help to reduce the amount of content in them and visually minimize. But remember that it is impossible to erase them "to zero", since the pore is an organ, and the sebum performs an important protective function.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Intimate rejuvenation is very real".

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