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In general, the main service area can be roughly labeled as "Women's counseling via video link". This includes the following services, from which you can choose the most appropriate one:

General medical examination

The general condition is assessed and appropriate counseling is provided. During the examination, the patient's constitution, i.e. body type and related functional features, psychology, character, and the condition and functions of the most important organs and systems are examined. Details - in a personal discussion. Camera and microphone in working condition are mandatory

Game medical examination (prevention of jatrophobia)

This is a relaxed communication about the patient's health with various optimistic scenarios. The aim is to prevent iatrophobia. Details - in a personal discussion. A camera and microphone in working condition is mandatory

Psychological help

Online communication in any format, trainings, clarification of the problematic situation. Details - in a personal discussion. Individual approach. It is desirable to have a camera and microphone in working condition

Personal master class

In a face-to-face workshop, I simply share my telemedicine experience with colleagues and just curious women. Details - in a personal discussion. Personalized approach. For visual explanations it is desirable to have a camera and microphone in working condition

There may be variations of the above. Before selecting a service, it is recommended that you review the "Privacy policy". And if you have any other questions, go to "Contacts".

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