Home + Appointment conditions

Appointment conditions

  1. Please, let's value each other's time! This is the most important condition! Don't waste your time asking for any additional documents, giggling and other silly things.
  2. Here I am accepting EXCLUSIVELY female gender 18+. Not males, not third genders, not twenties. Anything non-masculine is also welcome. The reason - my scientific work is partly connected with women.
  3. The decision to undergo one of the services is a conscious move on your part.
  4. Make sure that nothing gets in your way during your appointment.
  5. Provide adequate lighting for the area where you will be during the appointment.
  6. Try to be more specific. You don't have to tell me your whole biography or the story of the creation of the world. Be closer to your problems that I can help you solve.
  7. Counseling may be denied without explanation.
  8. "Silent in the Blackthorn", that is, those who read my posts but consistently don't bother to respond to them, are sent to the Blacklist permanently.
  9. Before admission, learn how to find out your Skype and Telegram login and how to use these applications correctly. Read more about these two applications on the page "How to set up to receive Telegram and Skype".
  10. Refrain from being rude. You will be rude to your relatives. On such behavior you risk getting the same in return in square. In addition, it also entails being blacklisted forever.
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