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An old pattern almost ruined a girl's sex life

A girl named Janine told how her sex and family life was nearly ruined by an article she read in a glossy publication when she was young. 

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

According to Janine, as a teenager she read that on average couples have sex three times a week. The girl believed it, tried to maintain that pace, and when her boyfriend cheated on her, decided it was because sex wasn't always that frequent. Everything changed when, after two years of relationship with her then future husband, both caught a coronavirus and didn't make love for two weeks.

"I felt awful, he did too. Both were not in the mood for sex, but tried to initiate it out of fear," the girl recalled.

One day, a partner confesses to Janine that he loves her but doesn't want to have sex.

"He asked if I really needed sex that often because it was a lot for him," the girl revealed.

It turned out that the partner was trying to have sex more often just for her. Now they have sex only when they both want it. According to Janine, thanks to this decision, she and her husband have become happier and more open to experimentation.

"I didn't even think that. I assumed all men wanted more sex," she noted.

Now, the woman said, she and her husband are planning to have a child.

"Conception can be really tricky, so I'm glad we got it all sorted out. I don't know what would have happened after giving birth if I still thought I should have sex three times a week," she said.

It is also advisable to learn that family relationships are a very deep part of our destiny..

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