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Home + Materials + Psychology + Sex during menopause can be beneficial for women

Sex during menopause can be beneficial for women

Sex during menopause can bring unexpected benefits to a woman in the form of relief from menopausal symptoms such as mood swings, depression and others.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Sex will help to survive those very flushes and mood swings, prolonged depression about the fact that "old age is just around the corner". Gynecologists rarely ask women going through menopause about the quality of their sex life. They look to see if there are pathologies, and about how she has sex, whether there is an orgasm - such questions are not asked. So, at the appointment with a gynecologist, it is better to ask yourself to recommend something to normalize sexual life and well-being at menopause.

It is also advisable to learn that a woman gets pregnant a second time while already pregnant.

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