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Home + Materials + Psychology + Sometimes it's good for a woman to have a day of self-love

Sometimes it's good for a woman to have a day of self-love

The weekend is designed to leave all the cares and relax before the hustle and bustle of everyday life, so you can arrange a conditional day of self-love, which will definitely benefit in terms of psychology.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

How to celebrate a small holiday for your own good? For 24 hours you should do everything that brings joy. For starters, turn off the notifications on your phone, calmness and tranquility is the motto of today.

Give yourself permission to let things go and stop worrying. Self-love should be cultivated not by words, but by deeds. Order the most delicious food, light the most gorgeous candles, turn on a movie or series with a positive plot.

Let yourself fool around like when you were a kid, laugh like the first time, and if you cry, it's because you're happy. If you want - fill a bubble bath, visit a spa, do yoga. Whatever happens, remember that self-love cannot be devalued.

Say "no" when something unnecessary or superfluous is offered. Say yes to every impulse that your feminine nature exudes. Don't be afraid to look weird, admire yourself in the mirror and feel like a goddess. And masturbation can be a fitting finale to such a day.

Self-love is not about selfishness and permissiveness. It is about care, joy, and the light of the soul that burns and suggests the right path.

It is also advisable to learn that there are five ways to discover a woman's purpose..

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