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Home + Materials + Medicine + You can tell the onset of menopause by the look on your face

You can tell the onset of menopause by the look on your face

In the life of every woman comes this period: menstruation stops, reproductive function is shut down, and along with this there are changes that are also reflected in the appearance, including the face.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

We notice the first signs of age-related changes as early as 30-35 years old, when there is still a lot of time before menopause. But they are not so pronounced, because the synthesis of estrogen protects the female body. Gradually, the level of the hormone decreases, the changes become more pronounced, so they are reflected on the face.

Menopause is a natural process

Menopause is the medical term for the absence of menstruation for 12 months or longer. This condition is most often associated with the natural aging process: the level of estrogen sex hormones in the body decreases, the ovaries gradually cease to function, and reproductive capabilities fail.

In addition to natural - physiological - causes, menopause can also be caused by some medical manipulations. For example, menstruation may stop after removal of the ovaries or uterus, after radiation or chemotherapy.

Menopause or menopause?

Medically speaking. menopause - is to stop the menstrual cycle. А menopause - A symptom complex that appears in a woman just before menopause and may persist for years afterward.

Accordingly, if a woman shows signs of menopause, it means that menopause is likely to occur in the next few years.

Appearances change

Before menopause, during the menopausal period, certain changes occur in a woman's appearance. Age wrinkles form and deepen, the facial oval is deformed, the skin begins to sag under the influence of gravity - this phenomenon is called gravitational ptosis. The skin becomes drier, many women note that after washing they feel tightness. Worse heal wounds and scratches. In addition, the skin becomes more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections.

In some women, the pores on the face become enlarged, the skin acquires a greasy sheen, and inflammatory elements appear on it.

Hair growth and more

Other changes affecting a woman's appearance are male pattern hair growth (on the oval of the face, above the upper lip) or, on the contrary, male pattern hair loss (thinning of hair on the vertex, formation of bald spots on the forehead).

Sometimes women have telangiectasias - vascular asterisks - on their cheeks or on the wings of their nose.

In addition to changes in appearance, women may experience other signs before menopause. These include hot flashes - hot flashes in the chest, neck and face. Usually these attacks last a few minutes and are followed by chills.

Being overweight is also a possibility

Another point that relates to changes in appearance is related to excess weight. Due to the progressive lack of estrogen in a woman's body, the level of leptin, the hormone that is responsible for the feeling of satiety. As a result, a woman starts eating more than usual and her weight increases. If the situation is not taken under control in time, it can lead to obesity.

The changes can be smoothed out

Sooner or later every woman has to go through menopause. However, its onset can be smoothed, preserving the youth and beauty of the skin for a long time. First of all, you should give up bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages have a negative impact on a woman's appearance and age her prematurely.

It is also important to use products with SPF, and after 30 years to include in your daily care creams and serums containing retinol, peptides, tyrosinase inhibitors. They protect the skin from ultraviolet light and promote the production of its own collagen. After 45 years it is useful to use nourishing and moisturizing products with hyaluronic acid, triglycerides and ceramides.

In addition, you should watch your weight: extra pounds lead to deterioration of the facial oval. To slow down the skin aging process, it is better to consume less sugar. If a large amount of glucose enters the body with food, it begins to "glue" collagen fibers and they become inelastic and brittle.

Swelling can be corrected by controlling sleep and eating habits, as well as applying lymphatic drainage self-massage techniques or cosmetic procedures.

It is also advisable to learn that heavy periods can be dangerous.

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