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A woman was able to lose 25 pounds after giving birth

A journalist from India revealed that she managed to lose 25 kilograms in five months after giving birth, despite a large number of previous successful attempts.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

During her pregnancy, 32-year-old Kriti Sonali from Bangalore, Karnataka, gained a lot of weight - her weight reached 100 kilograms. In addition, after the birth of her child, Kriti suffered from postpartum depression for a long time. The first attempts to lose weight were unsuccessful. The turning point came in April 2021, when she contracted COVID-19.

"It made me realize that health needs to be taken care of seriously," Sonali recalls.

She found a trainer on the Internet who helped her find a new diet. She started eating salads, smoothies, nuts and eggs for breakfast, home-cooked vegetables for lunch and soups or vegetable dishes with a protein shake for dinner. Sonali claims that she lost most of her weight just by changing her diet.

The woman also did strength training at the gym, but only when her work schedule allowed. As a result, in five months, the Indian woman managed to reduce her postpartum weight by a quarter and become much stronger.

She believes that eating right and at the right time is the most important thing when losing weight.

"It's important to focus on improving health rather than gaining or losing weight," Sonali states. - Not all obese people have health problems, but not all thin people are in great shape either."

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