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What is getting fat - thighs, arms or stomach? Look in the mirror and identify the cause of excess weight

Everyone knows that losing weight quickly is pointless, because the weight will come back just as quickly. But the process of gradual weight loss can be accelerated if you understand why you gained weight in the first place. We tell you how to do this. Just look in the mirror!

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Первыми полнеют бедра и ягодицы

Не занимайтесь самолечением! В наших статьях мы собираем последние научные данные и мнения авторитетных экспертов в области здоровья. Но помните: поставить диагноз и назначить лечение может только врач.

You probably have a slow metabolism - one, a tendency to swelling - two, and you consume more calories than you can expend - three. The good news is that with regular workouts, you get rid of those extra kg and cm... no, not faster than others, but with more lasting results. If you've got rid of it, you've got rid of it, and you can just keep yourself in shape from now on.

Как похудеть

Take at least 10,000 steps a day. Include green tea and chili peppers in your diet (if you have GI problems, be careful with spices) - they speed up your metabolism. Your salvation - intense aerobic exercise (by the way, they have a very positive effect on brain activity), but do not forget about strength. Yes, and most importantly: more leg swings and diet - no sweets (simple sugars), saturated fats and trans fatty acids (found in butter, margarine and convenience foods). And here's more interesting information: since the "lower" deposits are responsible for female hormones, after childbirth, during lactation, these areas very quickly lose all the excess. But the effect is temporary - lasts exactly as long as you breastfeed. So then you will need to do sports if you want to keep the acquired slimness.

Первыми полнеют руки, плечи и грудь

Some women are predisposed to fat accumulation in this area. If you gain weight, the size of the breasts increases, if you lose weight, alas and ah, the volume and there is lost. And one of the first. One of the reasons for the appearance of excess fat in this area is stress: increased levels of cortisol (stress hormone) stimulates its deposition in the chest area, as well as on the face, neck, back and shoulders.

Как похудеть

Strength training! Work in a sports club on exercise machines with different weights and at home with amplifiers. It is better if you have an individual program - agree with a trainer, he will help to make a complex. Let it be an unplanned item of expenditure, but the result is worth it.
Если же причина в стрессе, проконсультируйся у невропатолога. Тебе показан массаж, полноценный отдых. Включи в антистрессовый курс также сауну и бассейн.

Первым полнеет живот

In general, this area is usually of concern to men - as someone figuratively said, "when instead of several small cubes they find themselves with one big ball", so obesity in this area is usually called android obesity. However, it is not so rare in women, especially in certain types of women: taller than average, straight shoulders, not pronounced waist, narrow hips, thin ankles.

Как похудеть

Use different workouts. For example, alternate exercise on an exercise bike with Pilates and Callanetics - these exercise systems are the most effective in this case. At home, be sure to get yourself a hulahoop (preferably rubber, it is not as sensitive to the sides as plastic) and fitness ball (you will pump your abs on it). Remember, fat deposits on the waist increase the risk of cardiovascular disease five times, both in men and women. So don't neglect this area!

Первыми полнеют икры

Если мода на платья в пол наполняет тебя ликованием, пора браться за дело. Полные икры обычно являются результатом задержки жидкости в организме, нарушения капиллярного или венозного кровообращения.

Как похудеть

Try to eat less salt: excess sodium in the body is the first cause of swollen ankles. What else? Hot weather and medications like steroids, antidepressants or contraceptives. If possible, switch to a different medication. Swelling can also indicate circulation problems, so be sure to exercise and don't sit still for long periods of time. If possible, take a course of pressotherapy.As for exercises to improve the shape of the calves, nothing better than stretching is not invented. And here it is better to turn to yoga and ballet variations of fitness.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "How to avoid being harassed by a stranger on the street".

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