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A gynecologist should not say these three things

A request to recommend a gynecologist is one of the most common in communication between women. Indeed, a specialist in women's health should be chosen more carefully than a confessor! What will help? 

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Universal criteria of good and bad doctors do not exist (of course, except in cases of blatant incompetence) - it is good if between the patient and the gynecologist appeared "chemistry", trust and mutual understanding, but, unfortunately, guaranteed such happiness is given to few people.

However, there are signs that give away a doctor whose treatment can become a problem for a woman. First of all, from an ethical point of view, because the style of communication in such a delicate field as gynecology is very important. And incorrect, rude and simply violating the boundaries comments and attitudes of the doctor put the patient in a risky situation of wrong choices.

The three most dangerous phrases that can be heard at an appointment have been identified. Each of them suggests that if a doctor says such things to a woman, it is better to look for another specialist.

1. "It's time to have a baby" (or "It's too late to have a baby, of course")

Reproductive plans are a personal matter for each individual woman. Of course, if you trust your doctor or (it happens!) you have a friendly relationship, you can discuss the issue of reproduction in the categories of "it's time or not time". But when it comes to the doctor-patient relationship, only the unambiguous expressed desire of the patient to plan a pregnancy can give the doctor the opportunity to approach this topic from the position of recommendations. Exclusively medical, based on anamnesis, reliable data on the state of health and ovarian reserve, etc. In all other cases, no one needs "good advice" about "the clock is ticking"; run away from such a doctor before he says something else.

2. "Once you're intimate, it'll all go away."

Any comment about your love life - "too much", "too little", "it's all wrong", "the wrong man" - is unacceptable coming from the mouth of a gynecologist. There is absolutely no scientific data on the optimal number of partners or practices; it is also completely incorrect to suggest that certain characters or activities in your intimate sphere have led or may lead to malaise, infertility, and so on. Once again, the doctor is sticking his nose in, that's all. Not to mention that sex or lack thereof does not cure anything.

3. "Such a short skirt, surely the appendages are stiff. And then there's the tattoo!"

Comments from any doctor, not only a gynecologist, about a patient's appearance, beauty habits and body condition are absolutely out of line. Of course, it is good to come to the appointment in clean clothes without foreign odors, but this is where the wishes end. Consultations about fashion, stretch marks and piercings in the competence of a gynecologist are not included at all. And "cold appendages" is a Soviet-era gynecological bogeyman, which evidence-based medicine has long since dispelled.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "10+ easy ways to cut calories without even counting them".

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