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Manicures affect women's mental health

Japanese scientists from Saitama Gakuen University in Kawaguchi studied the effects of manicure procedures on women's mental well-being.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

The study was published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Psychology (FP). Specialists wanted to understand how this ritual affects emotions, relaxation and general well-being of people.

"I became interested in this topic because of the growing body of research on the intersection of self-care practices and their impact on mental wellbeing. The idea that something as simple as getting your nails done at a salon could have a meaningful psychological effect intrigued me. I wanted to explore the potential of this understudied area," said study author, Associate Professor Atsushi Kawakubo.

To delve deeper into the psychological effects of manicures, researchers conducted an online survey with Japanese women from different age groups and regions.

A total of 500 Japanese women between the ages of 20 and 30 living in metropolitan areas participated in the study. The participants answered questions about their age, marital status, income, and cosmetic expenditures. They were also asked about their nail care habits and whether they do their own manicures, go to beauty salons or neither.

Nail care, like makeup, was found to have a positive psychological impact on women. Participants reported increased levels of positive emotions, relaxation and revitalization during nail care sessions.

The study found that people who received nail care services from salon manicurists reported more positive emotions and greater relaxation compared to those who had nail care on their own.

The discovery highlights the potential benefits of visiting a nail salon, as the experience appears to have a greater impact on a person's mood and relaxation.

It is also advisable to learn that revealed habits that often irritate men in women.

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