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What is "eldest daughter syndrome" and what are its dangers

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles found, the responsibilities of caring for younger siblings virtually as a free babysitter, helping around the house, especially if the girl's mother experienced stress and depression during her second and subsequent pregnancies, pushes older daughters into early adulthood.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

To obtain these results, analysts conducted a 15-year study of 253 mother-child pairs. The women observed were on average in their 30s and had a college degree. During the follow-up, scientists tracked the amount of puberty biomarkers in the children's blood - hormones produced by the adrenal glands that contribute to pubic and armpit hair development, body odor and acne, as well as changes in the sex glands, fat redistribution and bone maturation.

The study also showed that older daughters often feel compelled to take on the role of a little helper not only when siblings are born, but also in case of other adversities. Such as the death of the father, separation of parents when the child is not yet five years old, low income of parents when the child begins to realize his needs at the age of 7-9 years.

Names 8 signs of older daughter syndrome in her TikTok video with over 5.5 million views.

  1. You have a strong sense of responsibility
  2. You have an overachieving and goal-oriented personality type
  3. You often experience anxiety
  4. You're struggling with the habit of being nice to everyone.
  5. You have a hard time setting and maintaining boundaries
  6. You hold grudges against your family, including younger siblings
  7. You often struggle with guilt.
  8. You're having difficulties in your romantic relationships
  9. These are all consequences of imposed responsibility that can take a toll on your mental health - even though eldest daughter syndrome is not officially an affliction.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "What attitudes from childhood prevent us from building relationships".

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