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Tests after 35 years: what women need to take regularly

And then comes that moment - 35! For some it is a crisis, for others it is just a number in the passport. Women who take care of their health and regularly take the necessary tests know that this number does not affect their inner and outer beauty. So what tests should be taken regularly by women after 35 years and what to do to ensure that the indicators of these tests do not exceed the norms? Answer

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Total protein

After 30, muscles begin to actively lose protein. According to research, muscles lose 1% of protein each year. This leads to decreased muscle mass, flabbiness (sarcoma). Therefore, it is very important to monitor the level of total protein in the blood.

Optimal value in the analyses: 75-80 g/l.

To maintain optimal protein levels, follow these rules :

  • Protein should be in every meal - poultry/eggs/meat;
  • When eating, take your time and chew each piece of meat thoroughly;
  • for meat dishes, use marinades, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice. This pre-fermentation will make it easier for the stomach to digest the protein.

Thyroid profile

TTG, free T3, free T4, antibodies to TPO and antibodies to TG, thyroid ultrasound

The thyroid gland, as a small conductor of our body, directly affects women's beauty and health. How exactly? Thyroid hormones are important for the growth and strength of hair and nails. A thyroid disorder can lead to hair loss as well as nail problems (brittle or discolored nails).

Hypothyroidism (underactivity of the thyroid gland) can cause dry and pale skin, active hair loss, puffiness. And hyperthyroidism (overactivity) can lead to profuse sweating, sudden thinness.

The thyroid gland controls metabolism, and an imbalance in its function can lead to weight gain or dramatic weight loss. Hypothyroidism is often associated with weight gain, while hyperthyroidism can lead to weight loss.

Here are some recommendations for proper thyroid function:

  • sleep - 8 hour sleep, falling asleep before 23:00 is beneficial for hormone synthesis;
  • nutrition - a varied, nutritious diet without fast carbs will provide your pincushion with many nutrients;
  • Addressing chronic stressors.

Lipid profile

Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, LDL, LDL-C, triglycerides

Studies show that lipid imbalances can accelerate the aging process, including skin aging, contributing to wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity.

To keep your cholesterol within the normal range, try to diversify your diet with unsaturated fats - seafood, fatty fish, quality olive oil, avocados, nuts.

Carbohydrate metabolism

Glycated hemoglobin, insulin, glucose

Disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism can lead to insulin resistance and, as a result, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a major factor in infertility in women.

Use these tips to keep your insulin at its optimal value:

  • eat 2-3 full meals a day without snacking;
  • your daily physical activity should be at least 10,000 steps.

Hormonal status

FSH/LH and pelvic ultrasound.

Diagnosis of FSH and LH levels is often used to confirm the onset of menopause. High levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones can indicate the onset of menopause.

It is recommended to perform the examinations once a year.

To maintain the hormonal balance of the body, the following steps should be taken :

  • lead a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet, regular exercise and enough hours of sleep each night.
  • Use stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing.

Regular checkups and consultations with your doctor will help identify and timely treat any diseases or disorders that may affect hormone production.

Self-care as we age becomes more than just a pursuit of outer beauty, but a conscious choice to maintain our health. Knowing how to maintain your energy, vitality and well-being becomes a key aspect of this choice.

Let age remain just a number, and our task is to fill every day with meaning, joy and self-care. After all, real youth and beauty lies in our inner light, which will not fade away if we live consciously and with love for ourselves.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "What causes people to be aggressive and violent".

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