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There are five times more mentally ill women than we think

Dr. Clive Boddy of Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), a specialist in corporate psychopathy, has reported that female psychopaths are actually five times more common. Current scientific evidence shows that male psychopaths outnumber females by about a 6:1 ratio. However, science is unable to determine the actual number of female psychopaths, probably because research is based for the most part on profiles of criminals and male psychopaths.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

The characteristics of female psychopaths, according to Dr. Clive Boddy, are different from those of males. In addition, society ignores what people consider to be masculine traits when these characteristics are exhibited by women.

The actual ratio of male to female psychopathy may be about 1.2:1. That is, there are probably five times as many women as we previously thought.

Psychopathic women are more prone to manipulation than men. They also try to make a good impression in various ways, and are more likely to use deception and sexual seduction for social and financial gain.

Women tend to use words rather than violence to achieve a goal. In addition, they are not inclined to commit a crime for the sake of a goal.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Signs by which you can calculate the number of sexual partners".

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