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Dating site. Instructions for use

The stereotype that a dating site is a "dump" is greatly exaggerated. Many people have found their destiny exactly on dating sites and live happily ever after, having already given birth to three children. There are a few recommendations on how to do it ecologically for you and not to be disappointed by this type of search.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Your profile

The questionnaire should look compact and informative. Do not write phrases like: "I am hard to find and easy to lose" and huge opuses about yourself. Men read them very rarely. Do not minimize your age, height and weight, interested men in any case will consider under a magnifying glass your photo. Yes, and not everyone understands the kilograms and centimeters. Write with positive rhetoric: who you are, who you are looking for, what you live and breathe, what you want to see in a partner and what you are ready to share in a relationship.

  • Don't write in a negative context:
  • Do NOT text me such-and-such;
  • Do NOT look at my profile;
  • Walk on by if you're such a sissy.

This will alienate even those who wanted to write to you initially.


Dating site is an alternative platform, and here you can post those photos that you think are successful. But, if you are "Turgenev's young lady", do not post photos in revealing outfits, thereby misleading the male audience. Stick to your format, be yourself, and let your photos will definitely be beautiful, no matter if they are made in a photo studio or in a grove of birch trees. Photos in sunglasses, selfies with lips "duck" and with small dogs in their arms reduce the chances of meeting a potential candidate, they are immediately in the furnace.

There's a stereotype:

  • She's ugly with glasses;
  • Duck lips are "made."
  • With a pocket dog -- not willing to make time for a man and has been out of a relationship for a very long time.

In general, your photos should not be a lot. Men are tricky: they scrutinize women and then tell you how long ago she had a waxing. Yes, yes. This is from the series: he may not notice your manicure, but its absence he will definitely notice. The photo should be 5-7, no more, and on them should be a woman in whose eyes "call", not "challenge". A woman who you want to protect, protect and love. Even the most incredible beauty, whose photos broadcast to the world "do not get in - will kill", will cause interest only in a weak and infantile man, and strong-willed resolute will pass by. Why does she need him if she can do everything in this life herself?

Their questionnaires

Don't believe the huge illusion of choice on the website. It isn't. Only a small percentage of people are really in search of a relationship, and most of the inhabitants of the site have completely different goals. Go to the profile and see who writes to you. Men practically do not fill out their profiles, it happens with few exceptions. Men do not have normal photos from the word "at all". It will be selfies from the car, from a business trip at the monument to Lenin, a small dot on the horizon in ski goggles, with a catch on fishing and so on. If the photos are like this, then, hypothetically, in front of you is a normal, average man. If a man on the background of an expensive car or in a photo studio with a suit and tie - perhaps it is not so. The key word is "maybe"!


There will be all sorts of people writing to you. If the person is pleasant to you (you don't need to wait to get hooked, you may not wait) - answer him. As a rule, a normal man will ask a few simple questions and ask for a phone number. Go ahead, there's nothing wrong with that. When you talk in person, you will be convinced of the adequacy or inadequacy of the person and decide for yourself whether you are ready to get acquainted with him or not. If you talk and you still have doubts, ask to switch to a video link, it will be more reliable. Thus, all doubts will immediately dispel, and it will be clear whether it is worth it to continue communicating with him or not. But this is the most ideal scenario.

If you write a day, two, three, wish you "good morning" and "good night", declare poems and aphorisms, send pictures with kittens and bouquets, but to the proposal to talk on the phone or to meet, it still does not come - it is a futile option. Do not waste your time, before you virtual. Also, do not pay attention to those who want to insult you even for the fact that you did not answer him. These are inadequate people who are embittered at the whole world, you are not on the way with them. Treat this as garbage, which is immediately sent to the magic folder "ignore".

Dating site. Instructions for use

Should I write first? Yes, to write

And there's nothing wrong with that. If you like a man - write a complimentary message in a complimentary context. You're looking, aren't you? Here and do not waste time, and sit and wait for someone to see your profile - a thankless task.


The first date should take place in a place that is convenient for both of you. Not on the outskirts of the city, not at his or your place, but near the subway or quick access to transportation. "God takes care of him." If a person has not caused you dislike, you were comfortable, but there are doubts whether to continue communication or not - there is a rule of three dates. Be sure to give a chance and try to continue communication, if the desire is mutual. If he is moody, with a big claim to the world, discusses former companions in a negative context, is dissatisfied with life and has not caused you a single positive emotion - boldly say goodbye. This is not your traveling companion.

Searching for a life partner on a dating site is a painstaking business. You need to have a lot of free time, nerves of steel and endless patience. But everyone who is puzzled by this issue should try such an opportunity. There really meet wonderful people, the main thing is to see them and not to miss them, and the Universe should designate the task that you need it seriously, so that it will help you to meet your favorite person!

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Nine tips to help you fall in love with your man".

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