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Three rules to help convince your spouse for any purchase

A new phone, an expensive styler, luxury cosmetics, going to a restaurant with girlfriends, traveling and even a private kindergarten - this is just a small list of the most popular female desires. How can you convince your spouse to make any purchase from this list?

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

According to statistics, about 80% of consumer spending in retail sales comes from women's purchases. Refined perfume, new shoes, beautiful earrings - those things that no woman can resist buying. But how to convince your spouse of the necessity of such spending? It's simple: you need to know the rules of sales.

Top 3 sales rules to help convince your spouse for any purchase:

Identification of needs

When a woman wants something badly, she starts to demand, swear or even scandalize. She perceives the refusal as a personal insult and begins to conflict. It is better not to do this, and try to convey the value of the purchase to the man. To do this, you need to understand, and how exactly does the spouse make decisions? On what is based? What aspects play an important role? For example, the husband is the head of the family, closes all financial needs. So, it is important for him to understand what spending is planned. He should prioritize spending in the family budget. Build communication with your spouse, based not on your demands, but on his way of thinking.

Product Presentation

If you want to buy an expensive care cream for 5,000₽-7,000₽, it is important to convey the value of the purchase not for yourself (as we usually do), but for your spouse - what benefits he will get. Don't forget - men love with their eyes. Use this postulate in your favor. Everyone likes well-groomed and beautiful women, and peeling, rashes and wrinkles have not yet painted any of the fair sex. Remind yourself that you owe your soft skin to an expensive cream. Be attentive to the language your husband speaks. Finance, status, appearance, family well-being - what is most important to him? Based on this, choose your arguments.

Tell me what the family will get out of buying the cream? For example, a happy and satisfied mom. If there are children, be sure to highlight the value for them as well. When a woman is a resource, everyone in the family feels good. If mom feels discomfort and irritation, walks with a dissatisfied face, then, most likely, all the household will be bad. The spouse, coming from work, will see a screaming child and an exhausted mom, not a satisfied wife and a happy baby. The head of the family will not be able to rest, and will be forced to calm the child, irritated at his wife. Well, what is five thousand rubles for a harmonious and cozy atmosphere in the house?

Among other things, don't forget to emphasize the value of the purchase to yourself as well.

If before we sold the idea to the husband through his language, feelings and emotions, it is time to speak about our own feelings. Not to demand through "I want" or "I need", but to sell the idea through "I would be...", "I would feel...". This works better than any ultimatum! For example: "I would feel the happiest/most beautiful/most desirable if you bought me this cream". "I would be so grateful to you." Show your feelings and emotions, or better yet, talk about your experiences: "I feel unattractive/unwanted/unloved when you refuse to buy for me". A little manipulation to our favorite men can't hurt.

Handling objections

Argue why a particular purchase is beneficial to the family.

If you want to buy an expensive care cream, don't confront your spouse with the fact. He or she will probably say no and offer to find a lower-priced one. Instead, explain how many months the cream will last and how much each month of use will cost. It will probably turn out to be quite a manageable amount, which will not become a threat to the family budget.

To strengthen the argument, give a reference to your spouse's spending on, for example, a hairdresser (and if not only on a hairdresser, it's very hands on!), believe me, the amount will be identical, if not more.

These sales rules help reduce conflict within the family. When we communicate the value of our ideas, desires and purchases to our spouse, we begin to speak the same language. There is less fighting in the family and more understanding. And who knows, perhaps there will be fewer divorces for reasons of "got the household chores" or "did not agree in character".

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Responsible cosmetology - why is it important?".

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