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Men are more willing to take risks in the company of women

Japanese scientists from Toyo University studied the peculiarities of men's behavior when working in the same team with women and came to the conclusion that in such a team they are more willing to take risks. The study was published in the scientific journal Evolutionary Psychological Science (EPS).

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

The experiment involved 5,279 participants from 14 countries, ranging in age from 18 to 110. Participants were randomly assigned to groups of opposite or same sex and then asked to choose tasks from two lists. The first list contained physically demanding and potentially dangerous tasks, while the second list contained less risky tasks.

As a result, those men who ended up in groups with women were more likely to choose more difficult tasks. According to the scientists, these preferences are consistent with evolutionary theories, according to which men exhibit more risky behavior as part of a mate-seeking strategy.

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