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Heavy periods can be dangerous

Heavy menstruation is not the norm, but a serious problem, even if they were like this from the beginning, which means that in this matter you need to keep your eyes open.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

It can be difficult for a woman to assess the intensity of her periods - whether they are heavy or normal. Especially if they were like this from the beginning and she is used to it.

Heavy menstruation is a big problem because it leads to iron deficiency in a woman's body and often to the development of such a serious disease as anemia.

The trouble is that a woman herself cannot assess whether the amount of menstrual discharge is normal or excessive. Each of us has a subjective opinion on this matter, compare, as they say, there is nothing to compare with. And if from the very first menstruation discharge is abundant, for a woman it is normal. She will not complain about it in the gynecologist's office.

Normal or not?

Heavy menstruation is one hundred percent indicated by the following signs:

  • a woman uses nighttime, superabsorbent, highest-drop count pads;
  • a woman constantly uses the double support of "tampon + pad" to avoid "leaking",
  • she's been known to leak.

If these signs are there, according to a gynecologic endocrinologist, they should definitely be dealt with.

In any case, heavy menstruation is not normal and it is a problem that requires treatment.

Why menstruation is heavy

Eugenia Nazimova named two possible reasons that lead to heavy menstruation.

1. Physiologic

A woman is prone to hyperestrogenism. This means that her estrogen level is higher than her progesterone level, so that the two hormones are not fully compensated.

There is no point in taking blood tests for estrogen and progesterone in this case. The doctor determines the type of constitution of a woman based on the results of examination, her menstrual cycle, ultrasound data and so on. In other words, a clinical evaluation is needed.

Even if a woman does not have any pathology, heavy menstruation itself leads to serious consequences for the body, not to mention the inconvenience and "dancing with tambourines" to accidentally not "leak" at the wrong time. This problem should definitely be addressed. For example, with the help of properly selected hormonal contraception.

Depending on the age, health, reproductive status of a woman, contraceptive options will be different. But with its help it is possible to perfectly equalize this parameter, remove excessive blood loss and in parallel saturate the body with iron. If there is no desire or possibility to use hormonal contraception, can be used, for example, hemostatic drugs.

Meanwhile, the doctor advises against the independent use of "herbal concoctions". Any herbs are also potent drugs. But, unlike drugs, with them it is almost impossible to achieve the correct dosage of the active ingredient, and instead of benefit, you can, on the contrary, harm yourself.

2. Pathological changes

This usually happens when the volume of your periods was normal before, but then suddenly increased. It should be understood that this does not just happen. It can be a manifestation of endometriosis, myoma, ovarian dysfunction and other conditions.

If there are such changes in the character of menstruation, it is better to consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination to find the cause.

It is also advisable to learn that menopause can easily be confused with dementia..

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