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Signs of women's ill-health can be false

Sometimes women get into a real panic when they notice gynecological problems, but often the failure can turn out to be a variant of the norm.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Almost half of women in Russia visit gynecologists to prevent various diseases. However, when alarming symptoms appear in the vaginal area, the most typical behavioral scenario is waiting. The VTsIOM survey came to such conclusions.

But is it always worth looking for unnecessary reasons to worry? About symptoms that we falsely take for alarming.

1. The menstrual cycle always lasts a different number of days

The menstrual cycle is a regular natural biological process in a woman's body that results in the release of a mature oocyte (egg). If the oocyte is not fertilized and pregnancy does not occur, the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected.

Regularity is the mirror of women's health, so it is important to track the length of the cycle (which is counted from the first day of menstruation). Nowadays it is easy to do this with the help of special applications.

The normal deviation in the duration is 3-4 days, the cycle - 25-34 days. If it is constantly "jumping" (for example, 18 days, then 45 days, then 29 days), it is worth consulting a doctor.

Scientific facts

As scientists at the Robinson Research Institute in Australia have found out, despite the common perception of a normal cycle length of 28 days, this is rarely the case in reality. As we know, the average hospital temperature is not the most reliable indicator of the health of patients, so do not worry if the deviations from these figures are insignificant.

Scientists have proven that the cycle can lengthen if:

  • woman is overweight (study),
  • she gave birth to several children (study),
  • recently used oral contraceptives (study).

The cycle may be decreasing:

  • due to smoking (study);
  • due to drinking large amounts of caffeine (Oxford University study);
  • due to excessive alcohol consumption (study).

At the same time, there are individual, including genetic, features that affect the rate of ovulation.

2. heavy menstruation

Signs of menorrhagia - menstruation that is too heavy (based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Birth Control):

  • the hygiene product fills up in an hour;
  • need double protection to prevent leakage (e.g. tampon + pad);
  • menstruation lasts more than a week;
  • the first 2-3 days of discharge may be intense, but after that the volume of discharge should gradually decrease and become ointment. If this does not happen, you should discuss it with your doctor;
  • feel tired during menstruation, shortness of breath, lack of energy for normal activities;
  • you get goosebumps in your eyes.

In these situations, it is necessary to see a doctor without delay: this is one of the surest signs of serious disorders.

3. Blood clots in menstrual discharge

It is normal if you notice small clots after waking up or when you have spent a lot of time sitting. Clots form because the blood does not have time to escape through the menstrual discharge: inside the uterus or vagina, the blood clotting process begins.

Important: clots should be no bigger than a five-ruble coin. If the clots are really big and appear constantly, it is an alarming symptom. It is worth seeing a doctor. 

4. Lower abdominal pain these days

Endometrial rejection occurs during menstruation, which is achieved by the contraction of internal muscles. For many women, this process is felt but usually does not cause serious discomfort; for others, pain occurs.

Doctors do not know for sure why this natural process occurs so differently for many people. One hypothesis is an increased concentration of prostaglandins, which are a group of lipid substances that are actively secreted by the body on such days.

Pain during menstruation is called dysmenorrhea. It can be primary - when the pulling pains appear shortly before and during menstruation, the intensity of sensations does not change from cycle to cycle. This is a variant of the norm. And secondary, which is characterized by strong and sharp pain sensations.

If you have pains that are unusual for you, you should see a doctor. But painful sensations during menstruation are normal.

5. Not all discharge is a symptom of thrush

It is important to realize that not any discharge indicates vaginal candidiasis, which many people call thrush. Normal discharge is mucous, watery, transparent, has no unpleasant odor, and may become more abundant during ovulation.

Candida discharge:

  • the consistency of cottage cheese;
  • white or yellow;
  • accompanied by burning, itching.

The main cause of candidiasis is a violation of the PH-environment and microflora of the vagina in the direction of acidification, which leads to the multiplication of opportunistic fungus of the genus Candida. To maintain the microflora, doctors recommend using hygiene products made of environmentally friendly and organic materials, primarily cotton.

Unlike most products made from non-breathable synthetic fibers that shift the pH to the acidic side, you can look to more gentle tampons and pads.

It is also recommended to find out, how to keep a woman's breasts healthy.

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