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A common habit among women betrays low self-esteem

How often do you respond to a compliment with a rebuttal? Inability to accept a compliment is associated with low self-esteem, but there may be other reasons for such behavior: strict "puritanical" upbringing and fear that you will be noticed, do not allow you to calmly thank for nice words.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

When someone compliments us, we don't necessarily believe them. For example, if you are shy about your public speaking abilities and a colleague compliments you after a speech, you are likely to greet the compliment with some doubt.

If your parents similarly had low self-esteem, accepting a compliment can be especially difficult because you didn't have an authoritative example of how to do it.

Remember that a compliment is just one person's opinion, it doesn't have to be yours too. The person is sharing their point of view with you.

A simple exercise to do with this is to think back to a time when you rejected a compliment and then think about why you responded that way. Perhaps you wanted to avoid attention, or was it about another topic that was painful to you? What feeling did you want to avoid in this way? What is wrong with saying "thank you" in a similar situation? In addition, try to give sincere compliments to others - then it will be easier to receive praise.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Older couples shared ways to enjoy sex in adulthood".

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