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Home + Materials + Helpfulness + Women after 50 need Pilates to rehabilitate their spine

Women after 50 need Pilates to rehabilitate their spine

Many women who cross the age of 50 reduce their physical activity, and most often this is due to rapidly onset fatigue or illness, but it is important to keep the body healthy by using Pilates.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Pilates is a versatile activity and is suitable for all genders and ages. It is originally an exercise system designed for rehabilitation after injury.

Most of the exercises are suitable for those suffering from back pain, after Pilates is mainly focused on rehabilitation of the spine, stretching muscles, relieving tension and improving the plasticity of the body. In addition, the exercises will help you to breathe properly with your diaphragm, which will further enhance the effect of the exercises.

However, it is important to do all of this under the supervision of a trainer. The key aspect of such training is that it is almost completely safe, especially if done under the supervision of a professional to minimize the risk of injury as much as possible.

Pilates at age 50 and over is great for those who suffer from insomnia, frequent stress, spine and lower back pain, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, herniated discs and sprains. Regular exercise will help to reduce pain, alleviate the disease or get rid of it completely.

There are contraindications for practicing Pilates, but they are all temporary health problems. You can start training if you get rid of such ailments as: fever and fever, bleeding, acute infections and colds, exacerbations of chronic diseases, varicose veins, thrombosis, bruises and injuries.

With regular workouts, which should take place at least three times a week, over a long period of time, women can notice positive results. For example, at the age of 50, it is possible to strengthen the back muscles, relieve the load from the spine, in addition to this, many women note the plasticity and ease of movement after classes. In addition, Pilates helps to get rid of excess weight and improve posture.

It is also advisable to learn that the woman lost 13 pounds through three changes..

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