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The woman lost 13 pounds through three changes

The co-founder of the weight loss organization shared her weight loss story, revealing how she lost 13 pounds through three simple changes.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

According to Lucy Liang, she has been overweight since she was a teenager. She went on various diets, counted calories, exercised vigorously, and drank fat-burning pills, but did not notice any results. In 2012, Liang reached her maximum weight - 68 kilograms at a height of 160 centimeters. Two years later, the woman realized that she needed to thoroughly study the topics of nutrition and metabolism.

First, she rebuilt her metabolism after years of calorie deficit.

"It was scary when I saw my weight skyrocketing. In the past, I wouldn't have been able to stand it, but after realizing that it was only a temporary accumulation of water in the body, I decided to trust the process," she recalls.

After that, Liang created a moderate calorie deficit. When the woman's weight stopped dropping, she ate without restrictions for a week to restart her metabolism.

Despite losing weight, Liang realized that it was not enough to lose weight effectively. She learned that strength training helps burn calories, so she began to actively exercise.

She later found out that in order to lose weight, she needed to adjust her sleep patterns. She gave up caffeine and started going to sleep and waking up at the same time. Liang admits that at first she felt sluggish, but after a few weeks she felt energized.

"And then something shocking happened. I didn't change anything, but my workouts became more effective and my weight started to go away faster than before," she says.

After a while, the woman discovered that regular walks helped to speed up her metabolism. Liang started walking regularly and increased the number of steps she took per day to 13,000.

With a few lifestyle changes, Liang managed to lose 13 pounds. She now works for a weight loss organization and helps clients lose weight without harming their bodies or gaining extra pounds in the future.

It is also advisable to learn that Yogurt, tea and scrambled eggs helped Elizabeth II live to be 96 years old.

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