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Intimate plastic surgery vs laser intimate rejuvenation: what is better to choose

What you wanted to know but were too shy to ask. Laser intimate rejuvenation procedure or surgery? What to choose if you want changes "from below"? We deal with the expert in the indications, nuances and differences.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Let's clarify how intimate plastic surgery differs from laser intimate rejuvenation. These two procedures are often confused, but they are quite different!

Everyone wants to know about it, but few people talk about it. Therefore, let's start with the theory and gradually understand the differences between intimate plastic surgery and laser intimate rejuvenation.

The principle of action of laser rejuvenation of the intimate zone is based on the work of CO2-laser, which is used in procedures aimed at facial rejuvenation. Its rays penetrate deep into the tissue in a short period of time. In this case, the risks of any burns and injuries are excluded.

Laser treatment allows you to start the process of natural collagen synthesis and improve blood flow. Thanks to this, the tissues in the intimate area become tighter and firmer.

Intimate plastic surgery is a type of plastic surgery in the genital area. In aesthetic surgery, these operations are aimed at reshaping to correct, improve the appearance, overall normalization and optimization of genital function in the sexual sphere.

It is important to note that intimate plastic surgery is not a section of gynecology. To a greater extent, it tends to sexology, as it does not affect the childbearing functions of a woman's body, but the quality of life. And to a very large extent - the quality of sexual and intimate life.

When you need an intimate plastic surgery procedure

"Planning any procedures and interventions in the body should begin with a consultation, where the doctor will tell about the benefits and risks of intimate plastic surgery. A competent specialist will always be able to find options for solving the situation, provide assistance, or, if such work is not in his profile, he will definitely be able to refer the patient to another, suitable specialist", - says Safonova Lyubov Nikolaevna, a doctor with more than 30 years of experience, a certified aesthetic plastic surgeon of the highest qualification category.

If the patient turns to a cosmetologist to change something in the intimate area, but the specialist sees and realizes that the use of cosmetic methods of laser impact on the tissue will not be enough, or if you need to change the shape of the genitals themselves (most often in variants of hypertrophy, asymmetry, displacement or scarring)A cosmetic surgeon will refer you to a plastic surgeon who deals specifically with intimate plastic surgery.

At what age women turn to intimate plastic surgery specialists

According to Lyubov Nikolaevna, there is no clear age at which patients apply for intimate plastic surgery or laser correction. It can be very young girls and mature women who have already entered menopause. Everything depends only on the desire and possibilities.

At the same time, according to the specialist, a separate category of women should be distinguished: those who come with postpartum changes in the genitals. It is plastic surgery in this case helps to normalize the form and function of the intimate zone for a full intimate life.

What problems intimate plastic surgery procedure solves

According to our expert, the most common complaints that are usually addressed to subject matter experts are as follows:

  • asymmetry protrusion of the extreme edges of the labia minora beyond the labia majora
  • excessive folding of both the labia minora and labia majora.
  • excess skin of the secondary hood are those folds over the clitoris
  • postpartum deformitiesassociated with posterior scarring
  • pelvic floor muscle integrity disordersthat cause the vaginal entrance to widen.
  • and, of course, itching and discomfortassociated with an anatomical relationship disorder.

As you can see, it is not only about beauty, but also about health. It is important to remember that improperly performed surgery can lead to real diseases of the genitourinary system, so it is especially important to carefully choose a specialist and be sure to accurately and in detail voice to him the problem, complaints, worries and wishes. Then the effectiveness of intimate plastic surgery will be maximized! All the same, first of all, it is about your comfort, including psychological.

Intimate plastic surgery vs laser intimate rejuvenation: the expert told what is better to choose

How intimate plastic surgery is performed

Most often intimate plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia, rather than local anesthesia. As Lyubov Nikolaevna says, this is simply a choice for the comfort of the patients.

"Correction of small labia the doctor usually performs techniques of local plastic surgery, and for the correction of large labia can be used even lipofilling - it all depends on the indications. Also often sutured muscles. This is necessary in order to compact the entrance to the vagina. And in the absence of the labia or part of it (e.g., due to injury or unskilled interventions) tissue transplantation is carried out either from the opposite side or from some adjacent areas of the inner surface of the vulva," explains the specialist.

What is laser intimate rejuvenation

This procedure is a method of exposure of hardware cosmetology on the tissues of the intimate zone to change the quality and improve their properties. But it is important to understand that laser rejuvenation does not change the shape of the genitals. That is, to reduce the length or change the shape of the labia by this method is simply impossible!

In addition, laser rejuvenation can be performed by cosmetic doctors rather than plastic surgeons.

However, the effectiveness of laser intimate rejuvenation not least depends not only on the skill of the beautician, but also on the apparatus on which the procedure is performed. First, an old or uncertified apparatus will not be effective. And secondly, because of him you can get a burn or injury. So when choosing a clinic, remember not only about the price advantages, but also about the risks of laser intimate rejuvenation. Do not save on your health!

So, remember: intimate plastic surgery and laser rejuvenation can not replace each other. But at the same time, they are quite capable of working in duo.

To summarize:

  • intimate plastics reshape without changing the quality of the tissue
  • laser rejuvenation changes the quality of the tissue from which the shape is recreated

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