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Home + Materials + Medicine + Certain women are at risk of uterine prolapse as they age

Certain women are at risk of uterine prolapse as they age

Uterine prolapse, or pelvic organ prolapse, is a pathology in which the walls of the vagina and pelvic organs: uterus, bladder, bowel, so it is important to know who it can threaten.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Weak muscular apparatus

Prolapse is accompanied by partial or complete protrusion of organs outside the genital slit. The main reason for the development of pathology is the weakening of the ligaments and muscles of the diaphragm, pelvic floor and anterior abdominal wall. Under the influence of various factors, the muscular apparatus ceases to hold the organs in the correct anatomical position, causing them to descend.

Other causes of uterine prolapse:

  • against a background of connective tissue dysplasia;
  • due to a decrease in the concentration of collagen and elastin in the body;
  • due to a disruption in the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • triggers can be gastrointestinal diseases in which there is frequent constipation;
  • Respiratory system diseases manifested by chronic cough;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • prolonged (difficult) or repeated births.

Who is at risk of pathology

Most often uterine prolapse is diagnosed in elderly patients. At the same time, approximately half of women who have given birth naturally, including genital prolapse is detected. In the risk group are also women engaged in heavy physical labor associated with frequent lifting and carrying heavy loads, overweight patients and people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Signs of uterine prolapse

In the initial stages, the pathology fails with a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which can go to the lumbar or sacral region, a feeling of a foreign body and a sense of swelling. Somewhat less often, patients note the appearance of bloody discharge outside of menstruation.

Also among the symptoms is that sexual intercourse becomes painful, and over time, pelvic pain becomes chronic.

As the disease progresses, the process involves other pelvic organs: there is frequent or difficult urination, there is a need to strain before urination, urinary incontinence when coughing and sneezing, pain during defecation, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowel, decreased libido.

Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Sometimes special exercises can help, and you may need therapeutic pessaries - cups, cubes or rings made of rubber or silicone. But sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.

It is also recommended to find out, How to increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins or triplets.

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