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Home + Materials + Psychology + It has become clear why women sometimes choose career over family

It has become clear why women sometimes choose career over family

Russian women prioritize their careers and strive for high earnings because of the prevalence of "masculine qualities" in them.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

In addition, sometimes those who have been "offended" by men find salvation in work. Nevertheless, the expert is sure that now there are all conditions for women who want career growth.

When a woman categorically refuses household in favor of a dizzying career, it means that she is ready for competition, competitiveness. Such masculine qualities in her. This is a wonderful story, today we have all the opportunities for this: the household is mechanized, to have food prepared for us, there are special people, even in the family there are always willing people. But what we psychoanalysts pay attention to. After all, sometimes a woman is saved in her beautiful career, for example, from a failed feminine destiny, where she was offended.

At the same time, a woman in a "fighting" position, relying solely on herself and without trust in others, risks losing the happiness of feeling the love of loved ones. Therefore, the best option is a balance between career and everyday life.

That is why I am in favor of women trying themselves in the household at the time of maternity. So that they can reach some kind of career barriers, springboards. They should feel this resourcefulness in themselves and enjoy it. And they should be able to balance between home and career: today we have all the opportunities for this.

It is also advisable to learn that the hallmarks of a woman's sense of humor..

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