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The difference between male and female logic is revealed

Women have more developed abstract thinking and men have more developed rational thinking, which is due to physiological differences.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Men's logic is factual, direct, he has "a truck drove from point A to point B". Women's logic is inductive, it is there, but it is difficult for men to understand. Because we build our logic on feelings, emotions, images and conclusions, not facts. We learn factual thinking when we realize that our logic does not help us in life or profession. Women, unlike men, have very developed abstract thinking. Women have a more voluminous brain region in the temporal lobe, while men have more massive frontal lobes. Therefore, men are very good with rationality and logic, while women are very good at making connections. When they take some facts, they create a certain network in their head, draw conclusions and start communicating with men based on them. We have different interactions with information, men are more direct and consistent than women.

The formation of thinking patterns also depends on upbringing. Boys are brought up in the paradigm of "be strong" and "don't cry", while girls are brought up in the paradigm of "be patient" and "you must". This results in differences, including in handling information and situations.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Inexperienced in sex people listed the positions that provide maximum intimacy".

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