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Hallucinations can sometimes occur during menopause

A woman begins to experience unpleasant sensations for no physical reason: for example, she suddenly gets itchy, her tongue starts to burn, sometimes it even seems as if there are insects crawling under her skin. 

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Menopause is the complete cessation of the menstrual cycle. In women, menopause usually occurs between the ages of 49 and 52. Doctors say that within one year after the last menstruation, that is, during menopause, a person can still get pregnant, although the probability is small. But later - no longer.

How do you realize that menopause has occurred?

This condition has a variety of symptoms. Some of the more unusual ones.

  • Insects under the skin. One in five women during menopause feels as if some critters are crawling under or on their skin, the doctor said. A burning sensation on the tongue. It occurs due to the activation of painful nerve cells around the taste buds of the tongue. According to the doctor, this is caused by a drop in estrogen levels.
  • Altered spatial perception. More than two out of 10 women suffer from this symptom during menopause. They experience clumsiness, impaired ability to concentrate, and dry eyes.
  • Change in body odor. More specifically, the odor of the vaginal discharge changes. As explained by the gynecologist, due to the decrease in estrogen levels, the balance of friendly microbes in this area changes. The risk of vaginal infections like thrush increases.
  • It feels like an electric shock. This is also the result of hormonal changes in the body. The "shocks" usually occur before the tide comes in.
  • Problems with gums and teeth. Due to the lack of sex hormones, there is dryness on all mucous membranes, including the mouth. Saliva secretion decreases, and saliva is a mouth cleaner from pathogenic bacteria. If there is not enough of it, the gums can become inflamed. Cavities and bad breath can also occur.

How to delay menopause

Menopause can be delayed, but there is no single and universal recipe for this. Some people are helped by hormone therapy, but much depends on how a woman generally treats her health.

It is recommended that the following guidelines be adhered to:

  • Find something in your life that you really enjoy: time spent with grandchildren or girlfriends, a new hobby or novel, learning a foreign language, a hobby club, etc.
  • Watch your sleep and wakefulness schedule - sleep 7-8 hours, get up at the same time.
  • Keep your weight in check - reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates and fats.
  • Move more - exercise, long walks on foot, climbing stairs can help.
  • Get a comprehensive physical examination. Some women experience menopausal symptoms very mildly, while others experience them more aggressively.

It is also advisable to learn that menopause can affect anything in the body..

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