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Home + Materials + Medicine + Getting rid of a widow's hump can be more than just a surgical procedure

Getting rid of a widow's hump can be more than just a surgical procedure

To get rid of the so-called widow's hump - an accumulation of fat on the neck, similar to a seal in the cervical-shoulder area at the level of the lower cervical vertebrae, you must first undergo an examination.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

During the evaluation process, you will be able to choose a method: massage, physical therapy, spinal traction, or surgery.

The hump leads to tension of the neck muscles, there is a spasm of the neck vessels, which leads to deterioration of blood supply to organs and tissues of the neck and head. This manifests itself in dizziness, increased fatigue, frequent headaches.

Replacement of muscle tissue with fibrous and fatty tissue occurs when a person constantly works at a computer. Spinal injuries, osteochondrosis, endocrine gland disorders, lipoma and Icenko-Cushing's disease also contribute to the widow's hump.

It is also advisable to learn that false eyelashes can cause eye diseases.

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