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Women have complained about men's misunderstanding of racy innuendos

Women whose hints went unnoticed by their partners have shared their experiences. They complained about spicy hints misunderstood by men in the AskReddit section of the Reddit forum.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

One of the most popular comments was the user's story of how her mother-in-law and father-in-law's romance began 40 years ago.

They met as teenagers, working in a pizza parlor. She liked him, and she came to help him chop tomatoes and onions in the evenings, making hints he didn't understand for months. Finally she decided to make the first move: she brought Hershey's kisses candy, put them in the refrigerator, and asked him if he liked cold kisses. "Actually, I prefer warm ones," he replied. She nodded and kissed him. Only then did he realize that he liked her Nikkomus Reddit user Nikkomus

A woman working as a bartender who once decided to tell a handsome young man who ordered a beer that he could drink on her tab also shared her memories.

"I guess you say that to all the hot guys," he grinned. "Free drinks are only entitled to those hot guys the bartenders fall for," I replied. He was taken aback and said he was glad to be the exception to the rule littlebluebird555 Reddit user

One of the commenters said that the young man did not understand her intentions even when she tried to kiss him.

We watched a movie, cuddled all night, and then he left. I tried to kiss him goodbye, but he pulled away and left. Rejected and miserable, I went back to my room. Ten minutes later he called and asked me to come out. I went out, and he exclaimed incredulously: "Wait, you tried to kiss me? Does that mean you like me?" He actually pulled away, and called a friend for advice on whether or not I liked him... ChangMinny Reddit user

Earlier, men and women who have heard unusual names for genitals from others shared their experiences. Many commenters were surprised that women and some men call the penis by female names.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Why going back to a previous relationship often fails".

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