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A psychologist dispelled myths about blondes

Marilyn Monroe, with her perhydrol-dyed head, gave birth to one of the most persistent myths of recent times - men, like Fortune, prefer blondes. At least, Marilyn herself smiled luck and success only after she parted with dark hair color.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Although the myth about the universal attractiveness of blondes raises some doubts. If this is true, then why have dark-haired beauties been winning all the world's beauty contests for years?

So what in the numerous myths about blondes is true and what is fiction? Celebrating International Blonde Day on May 31, we decided to understand the main myths on this topic.

Brunettes are bitchier

Most men draw the image of a typical blonde as a gentle and gentle creature, conquering its femininity. True, many note the increased capriciousness of blonde ladies. But at the same time, according to some men, blondes are much easier to reconcile and absolutely not vindictive.

In addition, it is believed that blondes are more defenseless, less adapted to life, they want to patronize, protect, cherish and cherish.

Brunettes, in the opinion of most of the stronger sex, have a stronger and tougher character and also bitchy. But, however, as assured by the same men, the owners of dark-haired hair is more passionate and inventive in bed. In general, judging by the majority of opinion, dark-haired ladies are assigned the role of a strong, business, confident and fatal woman who can independently make her way in life.

Unfortunately, there are no scientific studies that confirm or refute these beliefs. Personally, I have met natural blondes, both confirming the popular beliefs and completely disproving them.

"A friend of mine is a natural blonde with a determined character. And she is unrivaled in her bitchiness and ability to achieve her goals. And the other - the owner of dark brown hair, on the contrary, can not solve any issue independently, and men have to constantly patronize her", - one of the users shares in social networks.

There are many such examples.

"The statement that blondes are less adapted to life, and brunettes are firmer on their feet, and the idea of blonde ladies as extremely soft and feminine persons, first of all, is dictated by stereotypes, - says psychotherapist Dmitry Oreshin. - For example, any hairdresser will say that even to the touch blonde hair is soft, fluffy, light".

Black hair is more rigid, stubborn and naughty. As a result, we subconsciously expect appropriate behavior from the owners of this or that hair color. Thus, in fact, imposing it on them.

You know?

If anthropologists are to be believed, the owners of blonde hair only appeared towards the end of the Ice Age as a result of a rare mutation.

And already by 2202, German scientists assure, blondes will finally disappear from the face of the Earth. Only for the last 50 years the number of blondes and blondes has decreased from 49 to 14 percent of the total number of inhabitants of the planet.

There are several reasons for this. First, for a child to be born blond, both parents must have blond hair. Because brunettes always give birth to dark-haired children. But in the last 50 years, the number of interethnic and interracial marriages has increased. In addition, in countries where dark hair color predominates, the population is steadily growing. Europeans, on the other hand, are increasingly limited to one child.

Brunettes are more reliable

There is a myth that men prefer to see blondes as lovers. But most men see dark hair as a wife.

So, for example, according to research, the results of which were once voiced on the British television company "Sky News", almost 40 percent of respondents said that they would prefer to have an affair with a blonde, 22 percent would agree to have an affair with a redhead. Only 13 percent wanted to have an affair with a brunette, and half as many wanted to have an affair with a shade.

But when it came to formalizing the relationship, 30 percent wanted the wife to be a brunette, 27 percent wanted to tie the fate with a shade, and only 15 percent were in favor of naming a blonde wife.

As it turns out, many Russian men hold approximately the same opinion.

"This is most likely due to the fact that brunettes give the impression of more serious and reliable women. Geneticists believe that the desire to build a family with brunettes is inherent in men by nature. The fact that blondes are considered carriers of weaker genes, and brunettes - more strong. Therefore, the offspring of brunettes are more likely to be stronger," the psychologist tries to explain this logic.

Therefore, the stronger sex subconsciously and seeks to build a family with dark-haired women.

Blonde means dumb....

One of the most common stereotypes says that all owners of blonde hair are not intelligent. A great number of jokes are devoted to the alleged stupidity of blondes. And we must admit that many representatives of light-headed part of the fair sex and indeed sometimes sometimes show wonders of stupidity.

I remember a blond fellow student of mine who could talk meaningfully about only two things - outfits and suitors. The teacher of Russian literature asked her to "do something with her intellectual virginity". A fellow student in the smoking room then long resented the proposal made to her. And at the same time not without pride noted that she parted with her virginity and "without the stupid advice of this vulgar". Her consciousness simply ignored the word "intellectual".

Although I know a lot of owners of blonde hair, which in terms of education and intelligence any brunette for a belt.

"There is no scientific evidence yet that blondes have weak brains. Moreover, ten years ago, American researchers conducted an intelligence test among women. And as a result, blondes and brunettes got the highest marks. Second place went to shades. And redheads were recognized as the least intelligent," explains the expert.

According to Russian scientists, blondes have gained fame as stupid people because of their paradoxical thinking. The fact is that, according to experts, blondes have a more pronounced purely female logic due to hormonal differences, which leads to a peculiar way of thinking.

Blondes are sexier

Despite the established opinion about the temperament of brunettes, blondes, however, many people still consider more sexy.

An experiment conducted by British scientists, partly confirms the myth about the super-sexuality of the owners of blonde hair.

First, the participants of the experiment were shown brunettes and blondes in photos and videos. Most of the men liked brunettes.

After that, 80 girls with different hair colors were invited into the hall. As many as 85 percent of the experiment participants voted for blondes and redheads.

Scientists have attributed this variability of opinion to pheromones - specific substances secreted through the pores of the skin.

It is pheromones, the smell of which is unconsciously picked up, that attract lovers to each other. So, it turned out that natural blondes and redheads emit six times more pheromones than brunettes.

Perhaps this is why the myth that "gentlemen prefer blondes" was born.

In its own color

According to the same scientists, brunettes are more to the heart of the stronger sex, accustomed to live in a strictly logical system. Those who live more intuitively, in 65 percent of cases choose natural blondes. Interestingly, in a purely male environment (army, men's zone), the image of a beautiful lady almost always has blonde hair.

"However, it is still not easy to definitively determine which men prefer which ladies. "Because real life rarely fits into strict rules. John Lennon, for example, is said to have demanded that his first wife dye her hair blonde. But after she did, he fell in love with a searing black-haired brunette, Yoko Ono, whom he married," shares Dmitry Oreshin.

...So, it seems that the main thing in the war between brunettes and blondes is to remain yourself. And then you will come out the winner in the war regardless of the color of your hair.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "The girl found out about her husband's entertainment at the bachelor party and could not forgive him".

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