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Expert explains why women are less likely to become CEOs

According to Rosstat, the ratio of men and women in managerial positions is almost the same - 51% vs. 49%. But if we compare salaries in the category of managers, the average salary for men is 127.8 thousand rubles, and for women - 89.9 thousand rubles. And, for example, among candidates of science men 70%, among doctors - 83%, told "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" business mediator, strategic partner of Cornestone Elena Danilova.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

"For a woman to be taken seriously, she needs to deliver results on a regular basis. There are nuances here: by nature, women think in terms of longer horizons, so sometimes they intuitively choose business strategies that produce higher but delayed results. Therefore, they will more often prefer solutions that are simpler and clearer, most likely proposed by men. From here, men's rating will automatically grow, moving them up the career and financial ladder," says Danilova.

The expert also stated that men are more likely than women to work more than 40 hours per week and have 11.1% of free time to 8.3% of free time for women, because women still have household responsibilities and spend 6.3% more time per week on them than men.

"Often women in lower positions themselves do not apply for promotion because they are not interested in taking responsibility for the team. As a consequence, there are naturally fewer women at each higher step," the expert continues.

She advises career-minded women to treat everything playfully and make stereotypes work for them. Working on an equal footing with a man requires a certain fierceness from a woman, allowing her to concentrate her energy on results and achievements. She needs to show will, firmness of character. At the same time, women are expected to be soft, soulful.

"Imagine you are the main character in a movie, cameras are pointed at you, and people around you will adjust to you in the story. Allow them to look after you, for example, to open the door to your office or move a chair for you. Do it gently, not forcing others, but just leaving them a chance: for example, for a moment linger in front of the door and smile if there is a man - most likely, he will gladly open the door. If he doesn't, act on your own and don't dwell on the moment," she says.

The expert also advises experimenting. Adopt the phrase "I don't argue with men" and instead of directives more often speak from the "I-position", for example: "I believe that this decision is excellent gives us this result this year. I'd like to take a 5-year perspective.

"Make your arguments and remember Miller's 7+-2 number. Try to construct short sentences and give no more than seven, and ideally 3-5 sentences at a time. More a person's brain most often does not process and more ideas do not have a chance to be realized," she added.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Osteochondrosis requires following a special diet".

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