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How sexual satisfaction affects relationship stability

It has been proven time and time again by scientists that sexual satisfaction contributes to relationship stability. Does that mean that bad sex destroys relationships? Partly, but the result of the study is surprising not this obvious conclusion at all: get ready to say goodbye to at least one stereotype.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

It turned out that because of disagreements in bed, part of the respondents were ready to end the relationship, and the stamp in the passport did not matter. The results were published in the journal Sex Research. The study is based on questionnaires of more than 19 thousand people from Austria, Bulgaria, Georgia, Germany, France, Lithuania and Russia. Note that all couples lived together, even if they were not married, and the age range of the participants was from 18 to 79 years old.

Among those who were ready to part with their other half because of dissatisfaction with intimate life, there were more women. Women who faced disagreements in bed, 13% percent more often thought about extreme measures than those who did not complain about their spouse. Among men in a similar situation, the percentage reached only five.

Interestingly, thoughts of separation turned out to be reversible. The team of scientists found that when re-interviewed three years later, participants who had thoughts of separation no longer reported such thoughts.

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