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Named three problems that prevent women from building relationships

Most often, women seek psychological help because of low self-esteem, communication difficulties, negative traumatic experiences, and insecurity. 

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Low self-esteem significantly affects the ability to start a relationship with a man whom a woman would like to see next to her, so she agrees to be with someone who at least just showed interest in her. And often these relationships do not suit a woman, but she cannot decide to end them because of the fear of loneliness.

Many women find that they are unable to express their own feelings, especially negative feelings. This often leads to conflict in relationships. Communication is a key element of healthy interaction with others. As such, it is important to learn how to express your thoughts and feelings constructively, as well as how to hear your partner. Meanwhile, negative experiences affect a woman's ability to build relationships. Often traumatic events leave an imprint on the psyche.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Retired women are more eager to pursue hobbies than grandchildren".

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