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How to reduce the risks of dementia

To significantly reduce the risks of dementia in old age, women can benefit from a few simple recommendations that they should start following as soon as possible.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

First, long and regular daytime sleep increases the risks of dementia. It is also important to include certain foods in your daily menu. The list of such saviors includes greens and leafy vegetables such as parsley, cilantro, lettuce, arugula and others.

The daily portion of products should not exceed 150 grams. Regular consumption of greens not only rejuvenates the brain, but also has a beneficial effect on other organs and body systems. Useful product strengthens the respiratory system and blood vessels, normalizes the endocrine system, reduces inflammation in the joints, promotes blood purification and improves digestion.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Psychologist gave advice on building a harmonious relationship with mother-in-law".

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