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Five signs that you can build a healthy relationship with a man

In the search for a soulmate it is worth relying not only on feelings, but also on other signs that are revealed in the process of communication. In addition to red flags that cannot be ignored, there are also green flags.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Emotional intelligence

Our feelings are biological responses to stimuli from the environment. They motivate us to act, to communicate and to remember the importance of past experiences. Emotions can lead a person to rash behavior if one does not know how to control them. Immature men can be very impulsive. They do what they want and lose their temper easily. They avoid discomfort by any means necessary. This often leaves their partner mentally exhausted and frustrated.

One of the first signs of emotional maturity is a man's ability to recognize how he feels and understand the cause. He can identify a potential problem and resolve a conflict before it starts.


An emotionally mature man realizes that emotions are controllable. He realizes that he must be responsible for himself in any situation. He realizes that there is always a choice to react to a situation with intelligence. He does not blame others. He recognizes if he has hurt people and seeks to make things right.

It is not always easy to make a decision, especially for an emotionally immature person. When the stakes are high, the negative consequences of making the "wrong" choice can be huge. An immature man will abdicate responsibility, will push you to make decisions for him. This will make him feel good when things are good and point the finger at you when things are bad.

A mature man will weigh the pros and cons and decide how to proceed. If he needs to seek advice, he does not make that person responsible for his future actions. He is focused on his goal and acts decisively.


Compromise is important in any relationship, especially romantic ones. The ability to work toward a goal while respecting the opinions and priorities of others is a clear sign of a mature man. Those who lack this ability are difficult to get along with. They drag out unnecessary arguments because they need things to go exactly the way they want them to. They are unwilling or unable to take into account that other people's needs are important too.

One of the clearest signs of an emotionally mature man is a willingness to negotiate. They are able to understand what is important to other people and offer to help them achieve that goal, they look for an option that benefits everyone.

Trust and flexibility

A clear sign that a man is not very mature is an overwhelming need for control. While people may associate this need for control with anger, it mostly stems from anxiety. Unfortunately, for immature men, the only thing they have complete control over in life is their women. An immature man is likely to have a very rigid idea of what their woman should do at any given moment. They have a hard time adjusting to changes in plans. They lose their temper and become pushy trying to do things their way.

A mature man is able to remain calm when something unexpected happens. He is able to adapt his plans to the situation. He can recognize what is important to him (usually related to his emotions) and let everything else flow naturally.

Mature people

There is a saying, "You are what you eat." So, we are also what we spend time with. The people in our lives are a major part of our mental and emotional environment. They influence the way we think and behave, for better or worse. An emotionally immature man is likely to be surrounded by other immature people. His immature behavior is reinforced by the actions of those around him.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "What kind of man can you build a healthy relationship with? Several qualities are important".

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