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Home + Materials + Psychology + Women in long-term relationships were found to have higher stress levels than the rest of the population

Women in long-term relationships were found to have higher stress levels than the rest of the population

Researchers from the University of Montreal in Canada have found that women in long-term relationships have higher stress levels, with the findings published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine (Psy Med).

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

The study involved 2,338 older couples with data collected between 2006 and 2012. Researchers followed the couples for four years to assess the correlation between the partners' levels of emotional stress and their physical health. The researchers also measured the participants' levels of allostatic stress. This indicator reflects the result of an overreaction to stress leading to premature wear and tear on the body.

Allostatic load was calculated on the basis of parameters of several body systems - immune (C-reactive protein level was assessed), metabolic (HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and glycated hemoglobin were measured), renal (scientists recorded the level of cystatin C), cardiovascular (indicators of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate) and anthropometric (body mass index and waist circumference).

It turned out that the partners' levels of allostatic load were significantly correlated. According to the researchers, this indicates that the emotional state of people in a couple synchronizes over time. They also found that in long-term relationships (more than four years), women's allostatic load increased (to match that of their partner) more often than men's. This effect is most likely due to the fact that women traditionally pay more attention to interpersonal relationships.

It is noted that increased allostatic load in women was not associated with decreased relationship quality.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Alarm bells that can destroy the strongest relationships".

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