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Alarm bells that can destroy the strongest relationships

Living together is not always as easy as it may seem at first. When a man and a woman start living together, they sometimes have no idea what a partner can be like in everyday life. You may be completely unprepared for some peculiarities of your other half.

Unkempt and disorderly

One of the most common complaints in a relationship is the unkemptness of one of the partners. Left unattended dirty dishes, messy rooms, untidy clothes - all these little things can be irritating. Neglecting cleanliness and order can be perceived as disrespect for the shared space and for the partner.

Procrastination around the house

Putting things off "for later" creates additional stress. When one person takes on more responsibilities around the house because another person keeps putting off their part of the work, it can lead to resentment and conflict.

Selfishness in the home

The relationship can be destroyed and ordinary egoism, when a person thinks only about their own convenience and desires. This can manifest itself both in unwillingness to help a domestic partner and in the use of common resources without taking into account the interests of the other.

Ignoring your partner's preferences

If your partner ignores your preferences in choosing food, or stacking food in the refrigerator, or arranging furniture, or even the trivial temperature in the room, consider such actions as a nuisance call. Not accepting or ignoring the other's preferences can make your partner feel unimportant and insignificant.

Gadget addiction

Constantly spending time behind phone or computer screens makes the other feel unnoticed and lonely. Gadgets can take away time that could be spent with a partner, creating a stratification in the relationship.

Unexpressed dissatisfaction

Unspoken resentment can eventually escalate into a serious fight. Hidden resentment from washing the dishes to the last or insufficient gratitude for the prepared dinner is the trash under the relationship bed.

Of course, all people have their own peculiarities, and sometimes compromise looks like the best solution to maintain harmony in a relationship. So what can be done to avoid destroying a relationship because of domestic habits?

A few practical tips:

1. overall planning - discuss the division of responsibilities and try to arrive at a fair division of work.

2. Set rules - create a system of household rules that all family members will follow.

3. Express your preferences - open discussion will help avoid conflict situations.

4. Gratitude - remember to thank each other for what everyone does for the common good.

5. Disconnect from gadgets - set up "screen-free" time to spend together.

6. Talk about problems - don't hold grudges, rather express your point of view in a calm and constructive way.

7. Learn to compromise - be willing to give in sometimes to maintain an atmosphere of love and respect.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "Ladies, welcome!".

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