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Home + Materials + Psychology + Women in toxic work environments often experience headaches

Women in toxic work environments often experience headaches

Female employees of various companies also experience sleep disturbances and loss of motivation: the need for harmony and security is "genetic" in women.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

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Women are sensitive, they are better able to read the well-being of the environment by such subtle, weak signals. A man, if he is very much engaged in his work, may not even notice the atmosphere around him. He is immersed in his calculations, projects, and what is said around him is not so important for him. For a woman it is more important. First of all, genetically women are inclined to create such a community. A woman needs a benevolent environment more, because without oxytocin, which is produced when people around you are friendly, it is difficult for a woman to work. Her concentration drops, her dopamine drops, she has no motivation to work. A woman begins to feel threatened when she finds herself in an unfriendly environment. More quickly, psychosomatic manifestations begin to play out in women: sleep disturbances, headaches, menstrual disorders, and so on. Women feel the danger to their health.

It is also advisable to learn that scientists have found out which men women are more likely to choose for a family.

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