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How do you know if a friend is jealous

Often close friends are jealous of each other: one of them should become more successful in something, as the other immediately begins to envy. What are the signs to recognize this?

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

If you are sure that you sincerely treat your girlfriend, but you feel something wrong from her side, it's time to think about it.


If a friend constantly compares you to herself, she is jealous of you. In this way, she is trying to downgrade your achievements and talents and elevate herself in her own eyes.

Lack of support

Sincere people who really care about you will rejoice at any, even minor, achievement. Therefore, a friend who doesn't support the happy moments in your life is most likely jealous. The same goes for grief. An envious friend will not comfort you in your distress and will quietly gloat when she learns that things are going badly for you.

Talking you out of something important

Envy encourages one to do mean things. A person who has this feeling, there is a desire to succeed more than an acquaintance who has already achieved certain heights. Therefore, if a friend discourages you from decisions and actions that can promise success, she definitely envies you.


Fear prevents you from achieving your goals. Therefore, when a close friend says that it will not be possible to realize the planned for a number of reasons, and not always objective, she is definitely jealous. Thus, the friend is trying to manipulate you, forcing you to give up your goals. She has a fear that you will become more successful than she is, and this arrangement envious friend is not at all satisfied.

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Harmful advice

With a close friend you can discuss everything and even ask her for advice. However, a jealous friend will deliberately give recommendations that are doomed to failure. This is clearly not done in good faith, so if there are people in your environment whose advice you follow and they do not work, most likely, you are deliberately poisoning your life.

Passive aggression

Passive aggression also indicates that your friend is jealous of you. For example, she gossips with common acquaintances about your personal life, speaks unflatteringly about your person in front of others and so on. Envy also give away facial expressions and gestures that can not be controlled. Therefore, if you notice aggression from your friend, most likely, she is jealous and thinks how to look more favorably against your background.

It is also advisable to learn that sometimes it's good for a woman to have a self-love day..

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