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Home + Materials + Psychology + Family relationships are a very deep layer of our destiny.

Family relationships are a very deep layer of our destiny.

Family relationships are such a deep layer of our destiny that we are often not fully aware of it, but at the same time we also neglect this layer.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Basically, our destiny is manifested precisely in personal relationships, namely in the family, where it is most pronounced. And you need to understand that it is there that you need to pay the most attention, the work should take place there. The idea of struggle in itself for cloudless happiness is impossible without knowledge, just like that, once, I got married, and that's it, and I will be happy. This is impossible.

You need to understand the following, that two different sexes gradually deplete each other's psyche, this arises under the influence of material nature, because. they both want to enjoy, to derive pleasure from each other.

What people are most attached to will suffer the most, so we see that family relationships bring a lot of suffering.

What people are most attached to, they will suffer the most from, so we see that family relationships bring a lot of suffering.

So, two people, a young man and a young woman, neither of them wants to suffer, they don't have this idea of starting a family and suffering. Right? Everybody has the same idea, to become a happy person. So, they create a marriage, i.e. they get married, they get married, and after some time we notice that gradually, gradually the feelings are dulled, everything gets boring, the shark called life starts to eat everything and somewhere all the colors disappear. Happiness goes away, it is not added, it goes away. And a reasonable person can think about it: why is it so?

The Vedas have an explanation for this phenomenon, it turns out that the egoistic principle leads to the fact that he will constantly experience loss in his life. The law of nature says that the more you attach yourself to something that you enjoy, just as much you will deplete from this object. For example, if we buy a new thing, at first we really appreciate it, we blow off the dust particles from it, wipe it with a cloth. After a year or two, we see that, for example, an ashtray, a bottle of beer or something else is already on the computer. Those. we see that everything is already gone, this state, euphoria from this subject is gone. This is called the law of saturation. Feelings are always fed up, it is impossible to enjoy your feelings for a long time.

And if a marriage is created from the very beginning with the idea that he or she will give me happiness, that means the material concept of life. "This woman will make me happy." “I won’t make him happy, but he will make me happy.” And vice versa. They look at each other with this idea. And first, how do they behave? They serve each other, help, i.e. play the role of a servant, but after a while, when this concept ends, what begins? Satiation, tired of serving, everything, I want to already receive happiness, pull it from the other sex. And we see that a woman and a man begin to pull, demand from each other. So a lot of problems arise.

So, the family is not a place where people are engaged in satisfying feelings, the family is meant for activity, unselfishness, it exists to understand what my shortcomings are - one. What I need to work on - two. Both husband and wife should help each other to live, not just to survive, but to cultivate good qualities of character in each other - the purpose of the family, its original idea.

Of course, sooner or later one of the spouses or even both of them may feel some fatigue and stagnation in the relationship. In this case, role-playing games, joint vacations and other joint "tricks" can help, contributing to rapprochement both in the spiritual and physical sense.

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