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One in 14 women will face breast cancer

One in 14 women will experience breast cancer, and because of this, scientists, medical professionals, and women themselves around the world are resorting to a variety of prevention methods.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

In Britain, a vaccine is being tested to protect against breast cancer. Scientists hope that they will be able to produce a cure for the disease by 2030. However, whether their predictions will come true and how accessible the vaccine will be to the general public, including Russian women, is a big question. Meanwhile, breast cancer has been at the top of the list of cancer diseases in women for many decades.

Approximately one in fourteen women will experience breast cancer in her lifetime. Breast cancer is an acute social problem and one of the most well-studied cancers.

Breast cancer develops in different ways. Some biological subtypes of cancer grow rapidly, while others may not show symptoms for many months or even years.

The only effective way to detect a tumor at an early stage is to have a mammogram. There is no need to wait for symptoms, mammography is performed for healthy women from the age of 40 - once every 2 years or once a year as indicated.

Can a healthy breast be removed to insure against cancer?

Mastectomy involves the complete removal of breast tissue. However, according to studies, up to 5% of residual breast tissue may remain after surgery, mostly closer to the axillary region. Single cases have been described in which it is from this tissue that disease develops. Therefore, mastectomy is considered to be a risk-reducing operation (removal of healthy organs at high risk of developing cancer) rather than a truly preventive operation.

Mostly non-cancerous mastectomy is resorted to in cases of hereditary tumor syndrome - mutations in the BRCA (BReast CAncer - breast cancer) genes, as in the case of actress Angelina Jolie.

A rarer situation in which benign changes in the breast result in the need for mastectomy is, for example, symptomatic progressive cystic fibrosis mastopathy or multiple enlarging fibroadenomas in the breast."

Without indications, based only on the patient's desire to remove healthy mammary glands in Russia is legally prohibited.

I bumped my breast - what are the consequences?

Women are taught from childhood to take care of their breasts. Therefore, even a slight accidental elbow bump in transportation leads to panic - many believe that breast trauma leads to cancer. Is this true?

The effect of breast trauma on the risk of breast cancer has been studied in many studies, but no relationship between these events has been established. It is thought that benign changes in the structure of the breast tissue, such as fibroadenosis or fat necrosis, may occur at the site of trauma, but this has no effect on the risk of cancer.

How to protect yourself from breast cancer

Control your weight

One of the proven risk factors for breast cancer is overweight and obesity. It is not fully known which foods influence the development of breast cancer, but a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and reduced animal fats will avoid obesity, which may reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Move at least 20 minutes a day

Regular physical activity helps to maintain normal body weight, strengthen the immune system, and reduce stress and anxiety levels," says the doctor. - Most healthy adults are recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week, i.e. 20-30 minutes a day. If possible, they recommend adding strength training at least twice a week.

Quit smoking and don't abuse alcohol

Everyone knows about the dangers of bad habits, but few people take it seriously. Despite the fact that no firm relationship between smoking and breast cancer has been revealed, it has been proved that the combined use of alcohol and smoking contributes to an increased risk of breast cancer.

Take hormonal medications only as prescribed by your doctor

The role of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and the use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) in the development of breast cancer remains controversial. However, the bulk of studies indicate that active use of hormonal drugs increases the risk of breast cancer. However, once hormonal medications are discontinued, the risk of the disease decreases over time.

Breastfeed the baby

Prolonged breastfeeding (more than a year) depletes glandular tissue, so tumors have no place to grow.

Breast cancer - who is at major risk?

  • Women with mutations in BRCA1/2, CHEK2, TP53, PTEN, ATM, NBS1, MSH and other genes. If indicated, an oncologist can refer for genetic testing free of charge - under the MHI. Healthy women take the tests for a fee.
  • Women with an aggravated family history: the presence of blood relatives with confirmed breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancer.
  • Women with precancerous breast diseases: lobular carcinoma in situ (in situ), atypical hyperplasia, intraductal papilloma, sclerosing adenosis. Pre-cancerous diseases can be detected by mammography.

Unfortunately, we are not able to avoid absolutely all risk factors. But a conscious approach to health will help not only in prevention, but also in the case of cancer, successful treatment. For example, when cancer is detected at the first stage, patients survive in 95-99% cases. As the stage of the disease increases, survival rates worsen, but even at the fourth stage there is such a chance. The biological subtype of the disease is also important, and without determining this subtype, treatment cannot be started. Depending on the subtype of breast cancer, appropriate medications are prescribed to increase the chance of cure.

What if the cancer comes back?

Most local recurrences of breast cancer occur within five years of surgical treatment. The probability of recurrence within ten years ranges from 3% to 15%.

It is impossible to accurately predict whether cancer will return. Although studies show that comprehensive therapy and a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of recurrence. Therefore, it is necessary to fully complete the prescribed course of treatment and regularly visit an oncologist for dynamic monitoring. And the main thing is not to let fear control your life.

It is recommended. also to find out that 11% women in Russia have never visited a mammologist.

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