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Home + Materials + Medicine + The main symptoms of neoplasms in women's breasts are named

The main symptoms of neoplasms in women's breasts are named

Localized lumps in the breast, nipple discharge, and painful sensations can indicate the presence of breast neoplasms, so you need to know the relevant symptoms.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

If there is discomfort and pain in the breasts that is not related to cycle changes, or if the soreness has increased, you should perform self-palpation and consult a gynecologist or mammologist. It is important to check the breasts regularly for lumps.

In addition, you should pay attention to nipple discharge. In non-pregnant and non-breastfeeding women, in some cases, discharge is considered normal. However, even in these cases it is necessary to determine the cause. As a rule, neoplasms in the breast are benign in nature. However, there is always a risk that they will become dangerous, so it is important to know their symptoms in order to timely consult a doctor for diagnosis. The doctor may prescribe a breast ultrasound and mammography.

If there are no symptoms, it is important to undergo preventive examinations. In general, doctors recommend consulting a mammologist and having an ultrasound once a year, especially after the age of 40.

It is also advisable to learn that There are cases where mammography is contraindicated..

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