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Home + Materials + Medicine + Women should not steam their feet under certain conditions

Women should not steam their feet under certain conditions

There is an opinion that women this procedure is contraindicated, because it increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, but in fact, this is not entirely true.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Why do you need to steam your feet

A common myth is that it is contraindicated for women to steam their legs. This is explained by the fact that blood flow to the pelvic organs increases and this provokes genitourinary diseases.

Steaming the feet is a popular folk procedure for treating the first symptoms of a cold. It also helps to relax after a hard day and relieve tension. Steaming the feet is actively used in Chinese medicine - it is believed that this procedure before bedtime helps to speed up metabolism and improve blood circulation.

In fact, only certain categories of people can't steam their feet, and this is due to their condition or diseases.


  1. Pregnancy. This contraindication is explained simply: hot water leads to the expansion of blood vessels not only in the legs, but also throughout the body, including the uterine tissues. This leads to strong muscle contractions, in the early term it can provoke a miscarriage, and in the late term - premature labor.
  2. Varicose veins or a predisposition to varicose veins. If you suffer from dilated veins, you should not steam your legs. This procedure will only aggravate the condition.
  3. Fever. Do not warm the feet of people with elevated body temperature, because because of steaming it will rise even more. And increased blood circulation will create an additional load on the heart.
  4. Menstruation. If you have heavy periods, you should refuse to steam your legs. The procedure will increase blood circulation and worsen the condition.
  5. High blood pressure. Due to the effect of the procedure and vasodilation, hypertensive people should refuse to undergo it.

How to steam your feet properly

If you have no contraindications, the procedure can be performed.

  1. Dip your feet into water that is about 38 degrees.
  2. Once cooled, add a little hot water to bring the temperature up to 40-42 degrees.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, add more hot water.
  4. After the treatment is complete, put on warm socks and wrap yourself in a blanket.
  5. Do not go outside for the next 3-4 hours.
  6. If you have any doubts about your ability to perform the procedure, make sure to consult with your doctor before undergoing it.

It is also advisable to learn that the active effect of alcohol on the female body has been proven.

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