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Men often fail to consider three important facts about women

Despite the availability of information in the modern world, a rare man can boast that he is well aware of the characteristics of women that are not inherent in the stronger sex.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Not even all women understand themselves very well. We have collected some interesting facts that will surely be a revelation for your partner.

Women see very differently than men

It is not that women are able to distinguish several million more colors than men. The fair sex perceives space differently. You have probably encountered this peculiarity when you ride together with your man in the car and he is your passenger. Many women complain about criticizing their men when the woman herself is behind the wheel. But it's not the woman's fault at all that she can't see the world as her strong partner is beside her. If a man can visualize the space around him in three dimensions, women are biologically inaccessible to such a "chip".

A woman can tolerate pain more easily

The whole point is that a woman actually feels pain much more acutely than a man, but tolerates it more easily. We can say that nature has programmed women to be more enduring in this regard, because once comfortable childbirth was impossible and the female body did everything to ensure that the woman did not die from painful shock. The hormone estrogen, which is several times higher in women, helps the fair sex to experience pain less critically.

Women lose weight slower

Many men complain that women cannot get in shape after childbirth. But here it is important to understand that the process of burning fat in the body of a woman is several times slower, it is a peculiarity of a woman, which she is not able to influence with all her training. And, by the way, women's breasts do not have the same muscles as men's, so it is almost impossible to pump up this area, but to tighten it - quite.

It is also advisable to learn that A set of drugs that increase the risk of blood clots in women has been uncovered.

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