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Many people are convinced that IPA prevents pregnancy

Interrupted intercourse and breastfeeding do not protect against pregnancy, but for some reason many women still persist in believing this myth.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Curiously enough, any schoolchild who has access to the Internet can tell you about the conditions under which it is possible to conceive a child. But even adult and intelligent women who sometimes believe in the most ridiculous misconceptions sometimes do not know how to really protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy.

IPA: Does it protect against pregnancy

In fact, with IPA it is enough to have a very small amount of sperm inside the woman, and conception can already take place if the circumstances are right. The semen can also be in the lubricant.

There is also an opinion that breastfeeding protects against conception. But this is also a risky venture, even if the cycle has not recovered after childbirth and breastfeeding is done on demand.

What are reliable methods of contraception

To protect yourself from unplanned pregnancy, it is better to use drugs available in any pharmacy. Here we are talking primarily about oral contraceptives. If earlier they contained a solid portion of hormones and could hurt a woman's health, now this dose has been drastically reduced.

In addition, the pills have very few side effects, and they do not negatively affect the skin condition.

There's also such a thing as emergency contraception. The drug with levonorgestrel is taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex. The pills delay ovulation, and conception does not occur. You can take the drug no more than 4 times a year.

Of course, no drug can be bought without a doctor's prescription. So if you are planning an evening with a spicy ending, it is worth seeing a specialist beforehand.

How to choose the right condom

The most common and universal means of preventing unwanted conception has been and in the near future will remain the condom. But many people choose it incorrectly. For example, men are sure that it is necessary to choose a rubber band according to the length of the penis, but this is not the case at all.

First of all, the width of the penis matters. Of course, if you are the owner of a unit longer than 18 cm, it is worth thinking about the length of the rubber band. The average length of an erect penis usually does not exceed 13 cm. By the way, you can measure the circumference of the penis using a soft centimeter. Wrap the tape around the penis at the widest point of the shaft and measure the value to mm, and then divide the result in half.

And remember: it is a bad idea to buy condoms in grocery stores and supermarkets, because there is a high risk of condoms being faulty. In pharmacies, sex shops and even on marketplaces, there are usually many times fewer low-quality products.

It is also advisable to learn that Women should continue to have sex after menopause.

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