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Home + Materials + Medicine + Pregnant women over the age of 45 face a number of dangers

Pregnant women over the age of 45 face a number of dangers

Nowadays women do not tend to give birth early, putting in the first place personal growth and career, and statistics confirms it, but despite the development of medicine and immeasurable opportunities, nature still takes its course and there are many dangers of late pregnancy.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

The older a woman is, the more likely she is to experience complications during pregnancy. These include:

  • gestational diabetes,
  • high blood pressure,
  • giving birth to a premature baby.

It is true that many fears are greatly exaggerated. Even some studies have confirmed that pregnancy and childbirth in women after 45 years of age is no more complicated than in younger women. There will be no problems if a woman follows her health, does not have common diseases and was examined before pregnancy.

By the way, the condition of some women even improves during pregnancy at that age. But the doctor advised women with chronic diseases to be careful about pregnancy and childbirth. The fact is that pregnancy is also an increased load, so it can cause an exacerbation of some diseases. So you should constantly consult with specialists.

It is also advisable to learn that IVF is most often done to preserve fertility..

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