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The diet of women after 30 should be adjusted

Women after 30 should not eat sugar to save health - because with age, the body gradually begins to fail, worse digest food, requires more minerals and nutrients. 

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Maintain a balance of nutrients. As explained by Alexandra Chistyakova, PhD, sports doctor, wellbeing & beauty expert, this implies a reasonable ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet.

For 1 kg of weight should be 1-1.5 g of protein per day, 0.4-0.8 g of fat (with a ratio of unsaturated to saturated 30/70) and 3 g of carbohydrates (preferably complex, they are in cereals, whole-grain flour and so on).

Don't forget about vitamin C. According to the doctor, after the age of 25 we digest protein less well, so you can't do without this vitamin. If anything, it is the level of protein that largely determines the condition of our skin. Now, of course, collagen (the same protein, but in the form of jelly or tablets) is very popular, but its effect is actually no different from the effect of ordinary protein-rich products on the body.

Eat fiber. You should consume about 20-30 g daily. It is found in vegetables, fruits and whole grain products. Fiber has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, removes harmful substances from the body, even particles of heavy metals. And from the detox directly depends on the condition of the skin, especially the presence or absence of acne.

Give up sugar. Yes, it sounds cliché, but everything ingenious is simple, as we know. If you eat a lot of sugar, collagen and elastin in the body crystallize and glycation end products (GEPs) accumulate. As you get older, more and more GAGs accumulate, this is the aging process. Smoking and other bad habits can aggravate the situation.

Drink alkaline water. Mineral water helps to eliminate oxalates and urates, substances that can block the kidney ducts and form stones. However, not any mineral water can be suitable for you, it is better to choose it in consultation with your doctor.

Above any healthy diet are 3 laws, which were voiced by the chief nutritionist of Moscow, Dr. Antonina Starodubova.

First of all, the amount of food you eat should correspond to your energy expenditure. How much you have eaten is how much you spend, if you please.

Secondly, eat a nutritious and balanced diet. We have already written more about this above in the text.

And thirdly, follow the dietary regimen. Do not skip breakfast, lunch and dinner. And it is desirable to eat every day at the same time.

It is also advisable to learn that sweating less in the heat isn't that hard..

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