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The most effective flirting method for women has become known

Norwegian scientists have identified the most effective of 40 types of flirting for women: the most appropriate option depends on the ultimate goal: a one-night stand or dating for the sake of serious long-term relationships.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

The study was published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology. In the first case, scientists believe, a "friendly" hug and a kiss on the cheek are not enough. Men don't seem to get the hint. Women seeking short-term adventures, according to the experts' conclusions, need to demonstrate sexual availability by resorting to "rubbing against a potential partner, close bodily contact." In general, you can safely break the social distance without unnecessary formalities, so that the guy immediately understood what's what.

By the way, men to seduce girls will have to try harder: smile, show interest in conversations, give compliments and make the girl laugh. Just humor was the basis for the beginning of the novel with serious intentions.

"Being funny is not only effective," Rebecca Burch, co-author of the study, explained to IFL Science, "it's important for women to show their potential partner that they think he's funny.

Note that fake laughter will hardly allow you to create a strong union, but if you really like the humor of the guy, do not hesitate to show it to him! And you can start with the eternal classic - smile and hold his gaze.

It is also advisable to learn that three characteristics of the perfect woman.

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