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Home + Materials + Medicine + You can identify a breast cyst on your own

You can identify a breast cyst on your own

Breast cysts are common among young women, and they can be diagnosed in several ways, including ultrasound and mammography.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Most often cysts form as a result of blockage of the ducts of the breast. In addition, they can also form in the area of the glandular lobules. Cysts are mostly found in women of reproductive age.

The most effective way to diagnose cysts is ultrasound (ultrasound) of the breast. However, it is impossible to do without this examination, because ultrasound often "does not see" cancerous neoplasms. Supplement this procedure should be supplemented with mammography, which will confirm or exclude cancer. If there is no cancer, patients with cysts should undergo ultrasound once every three months.

Cysts can also be detected at home. To do this, it is necessary to feel the mammary gland. If there are dense formations in it, similar to a small ball, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist and undergo a number of examinations. Self-examination should be done once a month.

It is also advisable to learn that excessive coffee consumption is dangerous for women.

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