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How to build an intimate life if you have vaginismus?

Many girls are particularly worried about their sexual disorder, vaginismus, before having sex for the first time, but it's important to know that it can and should be dealt with.

This is reported by the Dr. Evin website.

Let's say a girl is in her early 20s and has never had sex. She considers herself a demisexual - the kind of person who can only build close relationships with people she knows well. The girl treated vaginal spasm with physical therapy, but the therapy costs too much. Now she wonders how to tell about her peculiarity and how to warn her potential partner that there will be no sex for at least six months until they get to know each other better.

In this case, you can say to your partner, "I think you're wonderful, and I want us to take our time. I'm demisexual, I need to feel a connection, get to know you before I can kiss, make love. I want to tell you that right away so we both understand: I like you and I need time."

Some men will try to change the girl's mind, being sure that they will overcome her disorder, but others will be surprised by the willingness to accept her peculiarity. Read the signals, trust your intuition, walk away if you are uncomfortable. Trust your partner's behavior more than his words.

It is also recommended to read the material entitled "There are signs of a man's desire to break up with his partner".

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